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What do you do to protect your clothes - or your bed if your water breaks?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive September 2004: What do you do to protect your clothes - or your bed if your water breaks?
By Amecmom on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 11:30 am:

OK this may be a silly question. but I was induced with my son, so I never went into labor on my own or had my water break on its own.
Last night, I was having contractions (Braxton Hicks - no doubt), that were strong, and I was suddenly afraid that my water would break while I was sleeping. Of course, then I could not sleep!
Does your water just break without warning?
When your water breaks, is it a lot of water? More than enough to soak a pad? Should I start wearing depends (lol?).
I'm just not sure of what to do.
Any advice would be appreciated.

By Boxzgrl on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 11:49 am:

When my water broke it was all of a sudden. No warning or nothing, I wasnt even having contractions that were hard enough to feel. The best way to describe it is like a POP and a gush. To me it was like a popping sound when my water broke and the water just kept coming and coming. I leaked everywhere and finally found pads and soaked through 3 pads on the 2 mile distance to the hospital.

Good Luck!

By Feona on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 11:59 am:

I don't remember it being that much water. But it broke like in the bathroom so maybe it just wasn't a problem.

You can buy a cheap water proof pad to sleep on at cvs (made for bed wetter) so you will feel better.

You put it under your mattress pad and sheets so you don't feel it.

I think people worry about it but is is the last thing on your mind when it happens. Even if it happens in a grocery store. You are pregnant! Doesn't matter. Not embarressing.


By Melana on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 12:36 pm:

I was like Boxer, I didn't feel any contractions before my water broke, I stood up from having a midnight bathroom run and felt like I had to pop my back, so I heard my back pop, then I heard another POP and a small gush of water, then nothing, her head landed on the hole and plugged it up. But I agree with Feona, get water proof pad for your bed. If you're afraid of your water breaking while you're running errands then see if you can get those hospital like pads that they give you after the baby is born, they soak up a LOT of fluid!! They're really big, kind of like a diaper, but fit in your undies like a pad, I don't think it will really matter though. Once your water breaks you don't really care what other people think.

By Andi on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 12:53 pm:

I had those Waterproof Lap Pads that you can buy at Babies-R-Us under my sheets where I would sleep. My water broke at 3:00 in the morning and those saved my mattress. I also went through 3 Maxi Pads from the time my water broke until the time I got to the hospital. I had no contractions and felt just fine when I went to bed that night. I didn't even have contractions until 7:30 that morning after my water broke.

Good Luck and hope all goes well for you.

By Imamommyx4 on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 01:09 pm:

I had real contractions (not Braxton-Hicks per my OB) for 2 months and was dilated to 2 a month before I delivered. My water broke at 1 am while I was asleep. I woke up thinking that I was tinkling on myself which I had never done. I had sneezed a few times and spotted a little urine but not like that. So I got up to go to the bathroom and it dripped all the way to the bathroom. Then I realized what was truly happening and started to giggle. I put a pad in and a towel under me in the car on the way to the hospital. My dh, and I do mean darling husband, cleaned up later that evening and said it was no biggy.

But on the other hand, I work in a hospital and had a friend go in to labor while she was working. I walked her up to the labor floor and as I turned to leave the room, the nurses were laying her down on the bed and her water broke with force and splashed the wall beside me.

Then there are those women who have to have their water broken by the doctor in order to deliver.

So if it makes you feel better, wear a pad. But all women are different, so there is no way to tell.

By Mommyathome on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 01:19 pm:

My water has never broken on it's own. I've always had to have it broken after being at the hospital for several hours.

The plastic mattress covers would work well if you are worried about getting the mattress wet. This may sound funny, but you could wear a depends type diaper to bed to help catch at least some of the wetness.

Good luck!!

By Sunny on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 01:25 pm:

Of my five pregnancies, my water broke with 4 of them (once in the shower, once on the bathroom floor, once in bed and other in the dining room). When I think back, I was given warning, but I didn't realize it until after the fact. Each time I had been having contractions that were not very strong, at least not as strong as later contractions. The time I was laying in bed, I had a couple of regular contractions, then I felt a pop and warm liquid that soaked the bed. I didn't have anything to protect the mattress and my DH had to air it out and clean the bed (afterwards, he flipped the mattress). If you're really worried, put a waterproof mattress pad underneath the sheet. I never thought to do that since I can't stand to sleep on them! :)

Here's hoping that if your water breaks, it's in the shower!

By Trina~moderator on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 01:26 pm:

My water broke both times while sleeping. One time was a pop and then a gush the other time just a trickle. We have a waterproof mattress cover. Not a big deal. It all came out in the normal wash.

By Ginny~moderator on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 01:28 pm:

With my second child, I woke up to find the bed wet and I was in labor. Fortunately, I had put a plastic cover on the mattress, the rest went into the wash as Trina says.

By Dawnk777 on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 03:24 pm:

I didn't have any pads in my house, since I normally used tampons and I didn't need any of that when I was pregnant. So, when water broke with #2, it was enough fluid to make a mess, so I grabbed one of the newborn diapers I had gotten at the Lamaze refresher class and stuck that in my underwear. It worked for the short ride to the hospital!

Oh, and both times, I noticed it in the bathroom, so my bed didn't get messy. By the time I got that far in my pregnancies, I wasn't sleeping very well, anyway.

By Kellyj on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 05:57 pm:

My water broke without warning. I wasn't feeling well after getting home from work, (stomachache-like feeling) and I sat down on the couch and DH asked if we should call the Dr. I said not yet, if it persisted. I laid down and instantly felt a warm trickle. I doubt any pregnant woman moved as fast as I did off the brand new couch, away from the brand new rug and into the bathroom. By the time I got to the bathroom it was a gush. My placenta had ruptured and so it was a very bloody mess. Thank God I made it to the bathroom. And thank God that the membranes ruptured so that I bled out. If we have another child I will definitely put plastic over the matress...just in case. :)

By Annie2 on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 06:30 pm:

My water broke on its own, twice. Both without contractions but I was past my due date. The first time was at home. I had no clue what was happening. I felt likke I had to pee, all of a sudden. It was more of a gush and slightly pink. The second time was in a store but it was more of a feeling like I started my period. More of a trickle.. I was able to leave the store and stop at a video store with my mom for movies for my dd to watch which mom was going to sit while dh and I went to the hospital.

The only drawback I found with having my water break was then I had to go to the hospital and labor there instead of in the comfort of my own home.

Buy a plastic mattress pad. they are inexpensive and will give you some peace of mind.

When is your due date?

By Karen~moderator on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 06:37 pm:

I was already in the hospital for the 3rd time in a week with what they kept saying was *false labor* with Jeff. They gave me a sleeping pill and demerol and were keeping me overnight this time, since I hadn't slept in over 48 hours. Supposedly *that* was going to stop the contractions. 4 hours later I was still contracting and still wide awake and they gave me another shot of demerol and another sleeping pill. 15 minutes later my water broke with quite a bit of force and gushed out, and I was lying down when it did.

I remember calling the nurse and telling her, and she came in, in a huff and asked me if I was sure I hadn't peed on myself. I told her NO, it was my water breaking and she told me she'd have to test it to be sure. Geesh!!!! Then I got the giggles and when I'd laugh, more would gush out, and the same nurse was really irritated with me because she had to keep changing the pad underneath me. She had the gall to tell me if I'd stop laughing, it wouldn't come out so fast, and she wouldn't have to keep changing the pad on the bed. HUH??????? Guess she was trying to catch a nap on her shift or something; it was almost 1:00 AM at the time.

I remember saying to her *NOW do you believe I'm in labor?!?*

With Jen, they broke my water because my contractions weren't strong.

I have NO idea what I'd have done if it had broken at home or while I was out somewhere. I honestly never thought about it, and was totally unprepared, as far as having any pads or anything available. Guess I'm lucky mine happened the way it did.

By Dawnk777 on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 07:06 pm:

Gosh, what a rude nurse! Sometimes that stuff just happens!

When I worked nights as a nurse, most of the time, there wasn't time to have taken a nap! We were way too busy! I worked on a floor where many of the people had just had just had major abdominal surgery, so there were dressings to change, antibiotics to give, IVs to hang, people to turn and cough, pain meds to give. We were usually very busy! Those are the nights that FLEW by!

By Amecmom on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 08:37 pm:

Well ladies, I just returned from an emergency trip to CVS! I bought a pad that goes over the bottom sheet and should be enough for my side of the bed. I also got a package of their brand of Poise bladder control pads. I'll start wearing them at night!
Thanks for sharing your stories and experiences. It was really helpful to read!

I'm due September 15!

By Karen~moderator on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 09:08 pm:

{{{{{{{{Ame}}}}}}}} I'm *sort* of LOL, but if I had been able to read some others' experiences when I was pregnant, I probably would have done the same thing!

By Brianna on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 10:19 pm:

Congrats! i'm so excited for you!! *hugs*
i was in the hospital (after being induced 3 different times!) I had to go to the bathroom and half way there sure enough my water broke. just a trickle at first like i was peeing but then it soaked me . I had been having just mild contractions b/c of the petosin (sp?).
i did have a bed pad on my bed just in case tho and it made me feel a lot better knowing it was there. i was afraid i was gonna feel more embaressed about it. but i wasnt at all. the nurse smiled and just reasured me that it wouldn't be long now and that it was just natural. it made me feel better too!

FYI: if u have a friend at the hospital or just ask they have (what i like to call an industrial size pad. not b/c of size but what it soaks up!!) they are THE BEST!!! u normally will get one to wear after u give birth because u will bleed for a while afterwards.
ask and some times u can get them to wear before hand!

good luck and best wishes!

By Christylee on Saturday, September 11, 2004 - 10:31 pm:

I think what you got should work just fine. My water didn't break they had to break it for me.

Congratulations on the upcoming new arrival, not long now!

By Dawnk777 on Sunday, September 12, 2004 - 03:24 pm:

I never planned ahead for my water breaking. If it had ruptured when I was in bed, it would have been a mess! Ewww. Glad I don't have to worry about that anymore. Fortunately, I was awake when my water broke both times, and not in bed.

By Jackie on Sunday, September 12, 2004 - 04:26 pm:

You know what, I never worried about that.. With my first 2, my water didnt totally break, I just had a slow leak,it never got to the bed or anywhere I was sitting...With the last one, they broke my water in the hospital, and it is kind of weird feeling , feeling all come out at once.
Anyways, I wish you the best of luck with your upcoming baby.. easy labor vibes for you.

By Dana on Monday, September 13, 2004 - 11:29 am:

I had everything I sat on prepared w/ DD. Never had to use it though. I was induced, and when the water broke, I was too doped up to notice. I knew it happened, but I never told anyone....duhhhhh.

However, I had large yard garbage bags covered with a towel on all the places I sat: my favorite chair, my bed and my car and DH car where I sat. I also kept a shoe lace with me, LOL. I was terrified I was going to have that child before making it to the hospital.

Although this will be my second time round, I won't be surprised if I follow the same procedure as the time approaches. :0

Good luck and Congratulations. Those last days are the hardest to wait.

By Eve on Monday, September 13, 2004 - 03:02 pm:

Honestly, I never even thought about it. I didn't do anything special to my bed. My water never broke with my DD. When they broke it, I had just received my epidural and was 7 cm's dialted, so I didn't really feel it at all! (I was one day past my due date) I'm sure whatever happens, it will be fine! Good luck!:)

By Theresa_Momma on Tuesday, September 14, 2004 - 12:12 am:

I didn't even think about my water breaking at home!! I got to the hospital I was four cm's dialted, and when my water broke I was seven. I think it was the oddest feeling I had ever felt. I was having a really strong contraction, and then all of a sudden there was this popping noise and then all this gushing water. My dh husband had been sitting on the end of my bed and I said Jake get up quick. He flew off the bed and was like what the heck!! Anyway I called my nurse and told her and she said honey you are a first time mom, there is now why your water broke, it is happening too fast. Anyway she came in and sure enough I was at seven cm's. And 25min. later I was at ten. I got to the hospital at twenty after ten one night and my nurse said I wouldn't deliver untill day light. Well to cut the story short I progressed so fast that Jeremiah's had crowned before she paged the doctor and he was coming out when the dr. walked in the room. I delivered him at 2:19 am on July first. Thats my birth story.

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