Graduate School
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive September 2004:
Graduate School
I got in! I'm taking one class the fall (in special education- something I've never been formally trained in- believe it or not) and then I start my sixth year degree in adminstration in the education school. I expect it will take me 4 years to finish (I'm doing it very slowly). At that point, the kids will be 6 and 11 so I will probably be ready for a career change. We'll see....
I'm so happy for you
My mom just got her masters' in School Admin. She hasn't changed careers because she was asked to change from teaching 7th grade to 1st grade and it was enough of a change to make her love teaching again. It was a lot of work but she is really glad that she has the knowledge that came with these classes. Good luck!
Best of luck, Laura! I'm happy for you.
FANTASTIC NEWS LAURA Did you find the GMATS horrible?
Thanks! Actually, somehow I've managed to get away with never having to take my GMATS. I didn't need them for my master's either. They looked at my transcripts, interview and recommendations though. I have had to take many other tests at the end of my programs though. I took the NTE (National Teacher's Exam) but that is useless in CT. I had to take one test in CT (their own) but was exempt from the others by my SAT scores. The test I took doesn't even exist anymore. When I finish 21 credits, I will need to take a test called the CAT. I'm not sure what it means (CT administrators' test maybe). It's 6 hours long and is all ESSAY! It is divided into two sections- I believe one is professional development and the other is teacher supervision. Teh two sections are subdivided into two more sections (elementary and middle/high school). I will be given a scenario, shown videos about the schools and then will be asked to develop a plan for school improvement. I'm more worried about 6 hours of stamina than the actual test.