Has anyone started...
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Has anyone started...
Holiday shopping yet? I haven't but was wondering if anyone else has.
LOL, here I am feeling proud to have all Halloween costumes taken care of. I am not ready to think about Christmas just yet!
I must admit, I do have a few things!! I always start early!
It is so funny that you brought this up! I NEVER shop early...I'm the reason the malls are open Christmas Eve! LOL. HOWEVER...I was at Walmart a little while ago, and saw that they had the 2005 Guinness Book of World Records that my son wants. We saw it in the bookstore the other day for almost $30.00, but Walmart had it for less than $15.00, so I picked it up. I think it is officially the earliest Christmas present I've ever bought!
Nobody throw things but I'm about 80% done.
No...but I have thought about it.
Ummm, no. I'm with Melanie. I thought I was ahead of the game with Halloween. LOL!
And here i am thinking "We just started school this week, I don't even want to think about Halloween yet. " I know what the kids are going to be for Halloween, that's as far as I've gotten.
Yes, I've started. It gets overwhelming and expensive shopping for a large family. I'm hoping to take care of DD this month. Ask me about Halloween though. No costume yet! I guess I should go look for one right now!
I just picked up the hot dogs and hamburgers and am now ready for the holiday. Oh wait...You're probably not talking about Labor Day, are you? In that case, I don't usually start Christmas shopping until early November, although I start making lists before then.
I haven't started yet but, most of the time I do in August. I have been thinking about starting for a couple weeks now but, just can't seem to get in the mood. My DH's family actaully did their name exchange last year at christmas so I know on that side who I need to buy for but, Just can't seem to get going. I use to be so organized and I feel like im not any more.
Yikes, I am trying to get into the swing of things with school and you are bringing up Christmas. I am just proud that I have Halloween covered already. My boys went easy on me this year. My youngest ds wants to wear the fireman costume that my oldest ds wore two years ago and my oldest wants to wear his baseball stuff and be a baseball player. Yea, no new costumes to buy!! I have made out my Christmas list and I will probably start shopping next month. I like to be done by the end of Nov.
Yes. and dh has finally caught the hang of picking up things for Christmas throughout the yr after being married to me! In the last 2 weeks he has brought home 3 gifts for Christmas.
WOW!!!! Conni, your DH shops? Chris does not. I do it all. He shops for me and that is about it. Did you train him to do that or did he come like that?
I start shopping at the end of October-mostly online. I have seen a ton of things I would like to get for my Mom, but she is so easy to buy for that I decided to wait. I'm making the girl's Halloween costumes again this year so I have got to get the material soon. My oldest still needs to decide on which Disney Princess she wants to be.
I am 90% done. I am alway done by October. I hate shopping in the Christmas rush so I shop all year long. I also like having the free time during the holidays to go to parties, shows, etc (instead of shopping). Yvonne
I've thought about it but haven't bought anything yet. Halloween, MIL called last week and asked what she needed to get started on, I'm clueless.
ROFLMAO!!!! HAHA... oh wait, you are serious?!?! I'm a total procrastinator, haven't even THOUGHT about Xmas gifts yet!!!
If I start buying now, I'll continue to buy until the last day and totally blow our budget! I usually do all of my shopping the weekend before Thanksgiving. Mostly online. I'll venture out to the store for stocking stuffers and last minute EXTRA toys the kids don't need!
Christmas???? lol, One holiday at a time please!!!!
I've started thinking about it...does that count? I can't buy too much ahead of time because my dks change their lists too much at the last minute. I hope to have most of it done by the end of this month though. I do like to save a few things for last minute bcause I enjoy getting out into the hub-bub just a little bit.
I have a total of 3 items. Well, I ordered them from "abc" a couple of weeks ago, so they are on their way!
I have officially started. When the PGA was here in August, I bought my dad a baseball cap and a travel mug with the PGA 2004 logo on them! So, he is done! That's all the farther we have gotten. We need to get them wrapped and then we would really be done.
I always say I'm going to start early (with 8 kids I probably need to)but I never do....we always seem to wait until the week or two before Christmas.....(I have also been known to wait until the 26th when the kids are with their 'other' parent for Christmas that year!LOL)
No way, it's not fun to do it in the warm weather and there aren't any decorations up and I do MUCH better under pressure.
I start the day after Christmas. I have a gift closet, and whenever I find something I know a friend or family member would love, I get it, and put it away. In October I pull them all out, and see for whom I still need gifts. Then, I start shopping. I prefer to have Christmas cards written, and gifts bought before Thanksgiving, so I can enjoy the Holidays.
I picked up a couple of things for my mother over the summer. I wasn't looking, just saw some things I know she'd love. I plan on doing a little at craft fairs over the next few weeks.
I haven't thought of X-mas yet, not even Halloween, but DH was looking at costumes the other day, there was this really cute one, it was a baby in a red hot chilli pepper costume, it was a sack type thing where from the neck down he was a chilli pepper and his head was the leaf/stem part, too bad my little Alexis is too big for something like that.
Speaking of which...last year I missed the Secret Santa and I very much want to do it this year. I already have a box started with gifts. When does the sign up usually happen? I am early this year (with finishing my holiday shopping). I can thank Hurricane Frances for that. Our vacation was ruined due to the hurricane so the vacation money was spent ordering the last of the presents. I usually get done in October. Like Bea I shop year round. It really helps the budget and is less stressful for me. My sister is the opposite. She loves shopping right up until Christmas Eve! Any way, does anyone know when the sign-up usually is? Thanks! Yvonne
Yvonne, that is not a *board sanctioned* activity. It's been done several times in the past at various points in the year, and I believe each time there have been problems with it, i.e., members not receiving/sending gifts, etc. The Secret Santa or Valentine or whatevers have been put together by individual members who coordinated and planned it. I know of no plans for one this year.
Thanks Karen! Hopefully it will happen again this year. It looks like a fun thing. It would be sad to let a few bad apples ruin it but I understand how that could cause problems. Yvonne