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Back to School help

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive August 2004: Back to School help
By Mommyof4 on Sunday, August 22, 2004 - 06:32 pm:

I am by nature, not a very organized person, and my children are this way also. We really need some good ideas of some systems to keep all the important school info/forms etc. in a place where we can find them easily. Also I have been keeping their schedules in my head...not the best place as I seem to be running out of space in there as I get older.LOL I would love to hear any and all tips on how to keep everything oranized so the schools aren't calling me on a daily basis saying "Mrs. S. so and so didn't bring _____ today could you drop it off as soon as possible?"

By Tink on Sunday, August 22, 2004 - 08:23 pm:

I use a in-out file system like in an office. Each child has a tray and all their papers go in it after school. I don't let them go through their papers because the important stuff always gets tossed. I go through it each evening, usually after they are in bed and sign what needs to be signed, pay for what needs to be paid for, and add dates to my calendar when necessary. Then I put their papers in their backpacks that are kept in the hall closet so that I don't have to worry about them picking them up the next morning. Any papers that need to be kept go in a file in my filing cabinet that has their name on it and the grade so that I can access it if needed at a later time.
My calendar is the only one in the house so that I'm not trying to synchronize everybody's. Any field trips are put on there as soon as I find out about them, including if they need anything special like a sack lunch, light jacket, etc. and practices and regular meetings are written in for the whole year so that I'm not constantly wondering if I have a staff meeting this week or next week.
Some of this I was already doing and some of it has been suggested by a great website, Some of her advice is for cleaning but most of it is for just getting control of all the details in our lives. If you haven't, give it a look. If you have any other questions, let me know. I love how much easier life is when all my ducks are in a row. I'd love to help you out.

By Marcia on Sunday, August 22, 2004 - 09:53 pm:

Our schools all use agendas, and they go back and forth daily. They have a pocket in the front, and all forms are put in there. There's a place for the kids to write homework and messages, and also places for the teacher and parents to write. My kids all show them to me as soon as they get home, and I sign that I've read it. I also sign all forms immediately, and put them back in the pocket. They get checked again in the am, to make sure nothing was forgotten.
If your school doesn't do agendas, perhaps you could just make your own. It could just be a calendar in a folder with a pocket.
Hope this helps.

By Amyj on Monday, August 23, 2004 - 12:09 pm:

I have large magnet clips on the fridge for my son, my daughter and myself. I clip papers to be signed, soccer schedules, party invitations, etc. and put it on the fridge. On Sunday evenings I go through the papers, write my to-do list for the week and update the calendar. After I sign papers, I put them in the backpacks. We have a cabinet by the back door to store backpacks, soccer gear and dance bags. I also have a wooden mail holder by the door to put mail and papers in for my husband. This is where I keep coupons and mail to go out. My calendar is a big desk calendar that I hang (with magnet clips again) on the fridge. This way everyone can see it and I have a lot of room to write. I also love to hear others ideas for getting organized! Thanks all for sharing!

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