Camping in the rain?
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Camping in the rain?
By Mrse on Sunday, August 22, 2004 - 06:41 am: | Well my dd's have had this camping trip planned with their aunty and cousin for a while, waiting to go to the local beach and camp for three days, they are planning to go kayacking. It is raining so hard out thier right now it is 3:41 am and the rain just woke me up, dd's are going tommorrow morning .From the sounds of things my sis is going to set up a huge tarp over the area and put the tent under it. The weather forcast is for rain today and it getting better for the next two days.
By Colette on Sunday, August 22, 2004 - 09:24 am: | Yuck! No camping in the rain for us. We were supposed to go up last Thurs-Sat or Sun, but we've just had several days of torrential downpours and thunderstorms. Hope the weather gets better for your dd's. We are trying again for next weekend.
UGH! BTDT - once in freezing rain over Thanksgiving SOMEwhere in Mississippi, when I was first married. I used to camp a lot when I was younger - now I prefer a king size mattress to sleep on, with air conditioning and indoor plumbing, behind a closed door. LOL Camping in the rain dredges up memories of everything being wet, so of course, when it's wet, everything from leaves to bugs to dirt sticks to you and *it*. And unless you're willing to go out and play in the rain, you're stuck in the tent, which inevitably leaked, in my case. Not fun!
By Mrse on Monday, August 23, 2004 - 05:17 am: | They all went yesterday, and it was sunny when they left the house, 10 min later found themselves in a down pour. My sister called last night to report they did finally get their tarp up but she was soaked right through. The flashlight she brought had low batteries, she broke her lamp, and a few other things happened that were not so great, the good news is they are only at a local beach so within 20 they can be home if the weather gets to bad, or go to mom and dad's which is only 10 min away. Dh and I only got a few hours to ourselves as we got company 10 min after the girls were on their way, hopefully our last two nights we will be alone.
By Bellajoe on Monday, August 23, 2004 - 07:06 am: | Yep, camping in the rain is no fun. Of course mother nature played a cruel joke on my family. I swear everytime we put that camper up it started to rain! My mother's friend once said to her, on a rainy camping trip "If this is what we do for fun, what do we do to make ourselves miserable?" LOL Sorry to hear it started to pour again. It's a good thing they aren't far away from family and can just pack up and go at any time. I got chilly just reading how your sister was soaked right through. She needed a cup of hot cocoa or coffee! brrrrr!
We went camping about 4 years ago.....close to home...(I'm safe that way right?) Major downpour...DH and I decided it wasn't going to let up and we piled everybody (all 10 of us) in our 2 cars to head back to the house......come to find out they close the gates at the campground at was 9:59 when we got to them and they were already closed. I imagine we could have found a phone and made some calls...we didn't ...just toughed it out (2 slept in my car) no one would sleep in the other car (bug in it!!) and the rest of us huddled in the middle of our tents. We haven't been camping since. LOL
By Mrse on Monday, August 23, 2004 - 05:27 pm: | I think if I had that many people locked in a car I would be freaking, let me out!!! lol. I don't think I would be camping anymore either if I went throught that. We went down to check on sis and the kids, my sister looks less than thrilled, it was wet out their and cold ( a bit) she said the tides were not right so they can't get out on the beach. We told her just pack up and forget it, but she refused because she said she promised the kids this camping trip. The problem is , also that my sis has been camping for a week twice back to back and then a few day trips out of town, she looks like she had the biscuit. She made me tired just looking at her. Mom and dad said they were going to take the kids to do something also, they better hurry up as school is in a few weeks, they wanted to take them to the waterslides, they started that when the kids were little, and their is one problem, the water slide is little too, they would hit the bottom now, but mom and dad insist that they have fun when they go their, the girls don't really want to say to much because it would hurt their feelings.
By Vicki on Monday, August 23, 2004 - 05:59 pm: | Your sister sound like she is run ragged, but I bet the kids are having a blast. Rain or no rain this is something they will always remember!! What a trooper she is!!