Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive August 2004:
Posting Anon. out of respect for DH's privacy. He is scheduled for the big V next month. I know they say it doesn't effect sexual performance but I guess I want to hear it from people who can vouch for that personally. Of course DH is very nervous. I've had trouble with birth control so this is the way to go. Any advice and/or words of wisdom would be appreciated. TIA!
By Melanie on Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 12:56 pm: | If you have been here any length of time, you have heard me say this before. LOL. Make sure, make sure, make sure he goes in to get checked to be positive it worked! Dh had to have two vasectomy's because the first one failed. I am just happy we found out the way we did. As for performance, not an issue.
By Kaye on Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 01:05 pm: | My hubby has his done almost a year ago. For the first couple of months he did have some issues, things felt different he said. But now he has no complaints.
My dh had no issues at all. It's been 11 years, and I LOVE not having to worry about birth control. Just make sure he plans to take it easy for about two days, and have a bag of frozen peas handy!
I can vouch personally - my ex had his V when our youngest was about 1 and neither he nor I noticed any problems after the first couple of weeks.
By Yjja123 on Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 03:01 pm: | Been there done that. Personally I loved that he did it. It was his decision. He decided after I had a difficult pregnancy that he would do it. A few years ago he had some trouble with swelling of the scrotum. It happened around 3 times and after the scare of it being cancer it was diagnosed as Hydrocele. He was told it could have been a result of the vasectomy but it was unclear. He recovered and no problems since. Our sex life improved dramatically after he had the vasectomy. No worries about birth control tend to make ya feel more romantic--if ya know what I mean If your hubby is willing to do it I say go for it! Yvonne
By Cat on Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 03:41 pm: | Dh had one about 4 years ago. He did have some significant bruising initially, but no problems at all since. He hasn't noticed any differences at all. It's been really nice not having to take a pill every day (and worrying when you forget!) or hunting for a condom. I actually went in with him and got to watch. Hey, he asked me to!
By Cat on Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 03:43 pm: | Oh, a bit of advise (unsolisated!): buy a couple bags of the cheap brand of frozen peas. One to use and one to have in the freezer (swap them out).
By Eve on Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 03:57 pm: | Sending quick and painless vibes your way!
By Brandy on Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 04:12 pm: | Darn that's not fair Cat i was wanting to go watch my husband but his doctor said i couldn't = ( lol...
My good friends DH just had this done several months back. They say things are the same! Just less worry about getting pregnant now. And, she got to watch the procedure being done as well.
I should have my husband respond to this post! LOL I can definitly vouch that nothing changes and he will recover without any complications if he follows doctors orders. My husband went to work the next day...definite no~no but it made for a great laugh... It was an I told you so moment!!!!
Performance definitely was not an issue with my X either. He actually insisted on *making sure it still worked* before the stitches were gone. He never went back and got checked but apparently it worked. Your DH SHOULD get checked.
My DH did it after our last kid. So it's been almost 7 years. That means he was 32 or 33 (he'll be 39 in Nov...daughter was born in Sept.) He was up and moving again in like 2 or 3 days if I remember correctly. He was a little nervous about what it my do to his 'performance' I can honestly say it's done nothing but gotton better. Good luck to you!!
By Pamt on Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 08:49 pm: | No problems in the performance or sensation dept. with my DH either. He was pretty swollen for a few days and would start to ache if on his feet a lot during the day for the first week afterwards. Ditto Melanie! Make sure he goes back to get checked. My DH's sperm count had not fallen at all 4 weeks after the surgery and the doctor thought he would have to do another surgery. He said he had never seen a sperm count so high so long after the surgery. We waited it out and 6 months and 2 more samples later the little swimmers were gone. Good luck to your DH and be extra sweet to him since he's being a good boy and doing the deed.
By Melana on Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 09:58 pm: | I could only WISH for my DH to do this.....but sigh, one of his more irritating flaws is that birth control is my depatment so I'll have to have a tubal
By Janet on Friday, August 20, 2004 - 10:00 am: | My dh and I have been talking about it for several years now, but he's a farmer, and it seems there is no "good" time to do this! It's almost a moot point now, as I'm 42 and we've gotten lazy, yet nothing's happened. It wouldn't break our hearts if I did get pg, but it's probably not the best idea. Anyway, I think we just figure that, this late in the game, why bother? LOL
OP here. Thank you all for your feedback! Much appreciated. Janet, I'm close to your age. Our family is complete and we don't want a baby at this point in our lives. Of course, if God has other plans we'll lovingly accept another, but we'd rather not go that route if at all possible. I've had trouble with BC and now that DH has *finally* made the step on his own towards a V I'm going for it! LOL! It will be SO nice not to have to worry about it. Oh and DH is not getting near me without a condom until he has had several sperm tests and the doctor gives us the green light. LOL!
By Andi on Friday, August 20, 2004 - 10:56 am: | My DH is going to have a consultation next week and will be going in for the big V sometime in November. I can't wait for all the birth control responsibility to be out of my hands!
Good Luck to him...Dh and I have decided that when I am 28, he is getting it done. What a sport, he's great! If I have anymore children by then great if not I guess it wasn't meant to be. We decided no more kids after 28 ever since we first got married, (just a personal preference, since we started early, when I was 19 I had my 1st). We have 6 more years to have another one... or 2
My DH had the big V done about a year and a half ago and it didn't effect him any when it came to performance. I also went in and watched him have it done. I wasn't planning on going in but, the nurse and doctor both incouraged me to be there and Im glad I did. He was there when I gave birth both times so I guess that's the least I could do. I also incourage you to have your hubby ice, ice,ice afterwards and it will help in the swelling.Our youngest was 10 1/2 before he finally decided to do it and Im glad he finally did so I no longer had to take the pill.