Betas (fish) question...
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive August 2004:
Betas (fish) question...
Does anyone know anything medically about these guys? Our little fish *Wish* is losing his fins. He looks horrible, poor little guy. Out last Beta had something like this. We took him to the Vet (a friend of mine), paid over $100 to get him injections and he did not make it. I did ask the pet store where we bought him from, they wanted to give me another fish. No way, we love this little guy. Is there something over the counter we can give him?
Forgot to add that with our last fish, the Vet said that it is a bacterial infection that they have from the pet store. He said it is very common.
Shelly - it is very common. We've had 3 beta fish over the past few years, taken very good care of them. However, they would develop bacterial infections within a few months and die. I really don't know much more than to change their water frequently. Hopefully, someone else may know more.
Fishes tend to get sick when they are under environmental stress. Things to reduce their stress: Keep water temp changes to a minimum by: Having a decently sized bowl or tank, keep them away from windows, ac and heating, sunny areas. Or preferably install a tank heater to keep water at constant temperature (about 80 for a beta). By decent size i mean several gallons for each fish. Keep water chemistry changes to a minimum: NEVER change more than 20-30% of their water at one time. Keep water clean: Change at least 20-30% of their water per week and use a clorine neutralizer(from fish store). Install some sort of foam water filter (which helps convert their waste products to harmless nitrate). I used to keep several tanks of tropicals for many years.
That sounds like fin rot. I would check with an exotic pet store. I think that they sell antibiotic that you can add to the water to kill the bacteria (tetracycline?)
I get weekly tips from they may have some ideas and answers for you ?
Thanks for all the tips... so sad Wish did not make it. I did get him tetracycline I think it was too late. John, great advice I appreciate it. My daughter was sooo sad she said she never wanted another fish again, we could never replace Wish... When I did my adoptions on Saturday at Petco, I brought her home a new Beta fish, a big red one. She named him Clifford and seems to be very happy with him, thank goodness! Sue I will try that website with my new guy!
I used to lose many fish when I first started keeping them. Just like us humans who like to live somewhere with fresh air (water) in the less crowded countryside (big tank) without all the stress, if you want to stay healthy, rather than go to doctor for medicines.
Awwww.Your poor DD.Hope she like`s her new fish and feels better soon .
I dont know much about Betta (except never put 2 together ) but I do have a goldfish and they are considered one of the dirtiest fish. ITs hard for other types of fish to live with them. I change the fish water every 3-4 days and only use bottled water because tap water has chlorine in it and will kill them. We won ours at the fair for DD and just figured it wouldnt live too long but this fish "Goldie Hawn" LOL has been here for 3 months now and has grown so much. Good luck with your Betta, they are beautiful.