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Huge clean up

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive August 2004: Huge clean up
By Mrse on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 10:30 am:

Well we are in the middle of re mortgaging our house so we have the apraisal guy coming on thursday. I wanted to start the big clean up a long time ago but dh said oh, just leave it untill we find out when the appointment is, so now we had two days notice. Last night we were scraping the rest of the paint off of the side of the house and giving it a quick coat of paint just to clean it up. I told my 3 dd that I really need to see a miracle in this house today, as the walls have to be washed, and things junked out. My middle daughter cleaned the fish pond in the front yard, yesterday also, so that is alot nicer now. I am so tired as I really did over do it yesterday.The house is not to dirty, it is just clutter we have our spots where things get piled. I finally convinced, dh to take the old dish washer out of the laundry room, it was not hooked up he just wanted to put it in , but I said no as it was second hand and I want a new one, we have had second hand ones before, and I do not want to go to the hassle of putting one in, and have it not work, mil has an apartment size one and that is what I want to get. They are not that expensive. So after work today I will be running again, and organizing. When something like this is going on I always feel it is all up to me, last night, dh was saying to the girls you are going to help your mother, I just turned to him, and said if you think you are getting out of helping out you have another thing coming! So even though he hates painting last night he was out their, I just don't think it is fair to put off all the work on me and the girls while he is watching tv. Hope I can make it threw all this mess without, having to many sore spots.

By Mommyathome on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 11:48 am:

Sounds like a stressful job! I hope the appraisal goes well.

By My2cuties on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 12:57 pm:

Good Luck with everything!

By Mommyof4 on Wednesday, August 18, 2004 - 09:14 pm:

When we re-financed our house about a year ago they just did a drive by...didn't even come to the door.

By Mrse on Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 06:26 pm:

Oh no don't tell me that!! I have been going at full speed for a couple of days now, we have 2 hours to go, and things are in pretty good shape. I am thinking that he will just be glancing at the house but at least he will be glancing at clean rooms. I have been so stressed out about the whole things I know the girls are not happy with me, right now, but if you tell a kid to clean the bathroom, you would think more than just the tub would be done? The response I got from that well you didn't tell me, I of course said I did not have the time to sit and tell her every item in the bathroom. I am so glad that it is all going to end soon. I could not even imagine getting this place ready to sell, I would be a nervous wreck

By Vicki on Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 07:12 pm:

Look at it this way...even if it is a quick once through, at least you got your house clean!! I hate to tell you this, but for refi's, I have never had anyone spend more than 10 minutes in the house and have drive bys too!!

By Mrse on Thursday, August 19, 2004 - 07:31 pm:

I always think, and I know that if your house is dirty people do not say oh that husband does not do a thing in the house, it is always directed to the wife, if it is not clean everyone thinks she is lazy, even if she works. My husband actually gets mad if I am freaking out running around cleaning he always tells me to sit down, I told him well look around if I don't could you imagine the mess it would be then. One time we had people coming over I was running as usually picking things up, he said leave it, it is fine!! so I left it, and then when his company came the first thing he said to them was oh sorry for the mess!! I could have killed him on the spot.

By Mrse on Friday, August 20, 2004 - 07:29 am:

Well it is all over now, he was here about 20 min, I have a feeling dh was a bit offended when he said oh, the house needs a paint job eh? dh kept saying well we have only been here 2 years things take time, and every time the guy said something like that dh would say the same thing. But over all, his estimate was about 25,000 more than when we bought the house , so we are pleased. If we had the hard wood floor down, he most likely would have put it up another 10 or so. I was so geared up about all this it took me a while to come down from it all last night. I am so glad it is over, I was trying to remind my self it was not like the queen was coming or anything. Just relieved the guy did not just drive by, and actually spent some time asking us questions and taking a good look, and took pictures of the house. ahhhhh it is all over

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