Sunburn advice
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive August 2004:
Sunburn advice
Ugh...I went to the beach with the kids on Thursday and I got fried. I used sunscreen w/an spf of 30, I am always so careful but I got really, really fried. I had to bring my mother to the hospital on Friday and a dermatologist stopped me and commented on my burn. He told me that you HAVE to replace your sunscreen yearly. I am living sore proof of this. I am french/irish/lithuanian and I have VERY light skin. So please replace your sunscreen yearly. I have been using tea bags, vinegar, tylenol and solarcaine religously since but nothing is really making this go away.
Aloe Vera is very soothing. Sunscreen lotion usually has an expiry date which usually lasts a couple of years at least? I've often questioned this. Thanks Colette.
yes, mine apparently is still good for another year, according to the date stamped. My body shows that's just not the case. I am fried on one half of my body. I look ridiculous. It's the side that I put the lotion on first, so maybe it wasn't mixed up enough?
You would think if the "industry" wanted to make money (as we know they do anyway) they would tell us to replace our sun screen yearly! If I was told to replace my sun tan lotion yearly by a dermatologist I would. I can't imagine how you are feeling with a burn like that. Hope you recover from it quickly.
I have used Noxema before and it works wonders!! I also have some Hawaiian Tropic Cool Aloe I.C.E with lidocaine, I have never used this on myself, but my DD says that it works really well. My oldest DD is a red head and burns VERY easily, and when I use the Hawaiian tropic on her, the next morning she is pretty much back to normal. HTH and hope you are feeling better soon.
I would use an Aloe lotion. Personally, while I know Noxema is recommended, I find it drying. The Hawaiian tropic also sounds like a good idea. In a pinch, any good body lotion should provide some relief.
Thanks, I've been using solarcaine with aloe, which is lidocaine w/aloe vera, but it's not making much of a difference.
I use older sunscreen all the time, and never get burned. I have a light olive complexion, and I slather it on at least a half hour before we go to the beach. I reapply every two hours. Banana Boat makes an Aloe gel that is so soothing on sunburn. It's great on any type of skin irritation. I hope you feel better soon.
When I get sunburned I fine that takinga bath helps, and then I love that solarcain spray and maybe some aloe lotion, pure slimy green looking stuff. I am a red head and I too just burn so easily. As far as sunscreen, yes you really ought to replace it yearly, we don't have that issue because we use ours up regularly! I put sunscreen on my face daily and all over and on the kids a couple of times a week (we live in
I put sun tan lotion on every morning before leaving the house. I use coppertone oil free 45 spf. it isn't greasy. Then if I am going to the pool or beach or park. I put it on again before getting out of the car. I still have a tan even after that. You really have to put it on often.
Hi I have skin like u and got very burnt a few months back. Try aloe vera but put in freezer for 15to30mins first. Also shower in cold water if u can. Treat sunburn as u would any burns, cold water helps I ended up going to my doctor who gave me a cream as i was no better after a few days good luck
You might call your general practitioner and see if he or she will call in a prescription for burn cream or some mild pain medication. It may help and certainly wouldn't hurt.
Colette , That has happened to me 2x this year.I got really burned where I applied the sunscreen.It was not expired either.My friend told me that I should have applied it 30 min. before sun exposure,which I did not,I applied it when I got to the beach. So maybe thats it? I will do that next time. The only thing that gave me noticeable relief was motrin.Hope you feel better soon !
I got my son some posion ivy medicine called "calagel" it is a clear gel. I used it when I burnt my back at the beach and it worked Great. We got it at Wal-mart.