Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive January 2008:
It's a little warmer and raining outside. They are calling for possible snow tonight. Hubby had a cataract removed today. We had to be at the hospital at 8:30 a.m. His surgery wasn't until 10. I waited until he was ready to go home around 12:00. I dozed in the waiting room. He said it was very weird to be awake, and to see what the doctor was doing the entire time, but it wasn't at all painful. He has drops to put in several times today, but claims he can see well from the eye. He has a clear plastic shield taped over it. He plans to drive himself back tomorrow for the doctor to check him, although the nurse suggested to "Play it by ear."
Please play it by ear, and well wishes for a speedy recovery.
Another for play it by ear. My mom had the cateract surgery, it was a breeze. Hope he does well!
I would say don't play it by ear, Bea. I think you should drive him, no matter how good he feels - just to be on the safe side.
Ditto on you driving! He should take it easy! I'm glad it went well.