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Having oral surgery today - TERRIFIED!

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive July 2004: Having oral surgery today - TERRIFIED!
By Karen~moderator on Friday, July 23, 2004 - 11:40 am:

I hope this is the end of this nightmare. A root canal that has been going on for over 3 months, including a metal piece of dental tool broken off in the tooth....

They're going to cut my gums away from the tooth and scrape the bone and go in from the top of the tooth to remove the piece of tool and the rest of the root and then sew me back together.

I am SO dreading this, I am so afraid of dental work to begin with.

They are giving me IV sedation plus a local. They told me I'd have to keep it iced for at least 48 hours, I would probably have a black eye, swelling for up to a week and oh - not to mention pain. Liquids only for 24 hours, then a *soft* diet. Plus the pressure thingie I have to have in my mouth this afternoon for the bleeding. I'm so afraid!

At least I won't know what's happening while it's happening!!

We are getting ready to leave, so wish me luck!!

By Momoffour on Friday, July 23, 2004 - 11:43 am:

Good luck and hope all is better in a few hours

By Momaroze on Friday, July 23, 2004 - 11:48 am:

Oh, I'm sorry to hear that. When it comes to the dentist I cringe. I wish you a speedy recovery Karen! :)

By Emily7 on Friday, July 23, 2004 - 12:00 pm:

Good luck.
I hate dentists too,

By Boxzgrl on Friday, July 23, 2004 - 12:27 pm:

(((HUGS))) I feel you considering I have to get my wisdom teeth removed soon. Let us know how things went and hang in there.... once its over you'll feel so much better!

By Amy~moderator on Friday, July 23, 2004 - 12:40 pm:

I'll be thinking about you. Good luck! :)

By Babysitbarb on Friday, July 23, 2004 - 03:46 pm:

Good luck and I'll be thinking of you. It probably sounds worse then it is.I don't even like to go for a cleaning but, I do and that's coming up Monday.

By Amy~moderator on Saturday, July 24, 2004 - 05:11 am:

Karen, how did it go? Thinking of you :)

By Eve on Saturday, July 24, 2004 - 08:35 am:

(((Karen))) I'm thinking about you. I hope it went well.

By Karen~moderator on Saturday, July 24, 2004 - 10:39 am:


I think the actual incision is 1" to 2" long on my upper gum.

I was shaking and the dentist was kind of a jerk and told me to make up my mind if I wanted to do this, because *he needed me to cooperate with him too*. Reminded me of my neurosurgeon. Geez.........

Anyway, they gave me gas and an IV, and once the IV got going, I don't remember anything else at all. Which is just FINE with me! LOL

I've been keeping it iced, but sleeping with my head elevated 30 degrees was tough for me to handle. It's hurting quite a bit this morning, but I have to say, since I had IV sedation, it was a breeze! LOL

I am running a temp though, which they said would happen and is normal. I have antibiotics and pain meds and meds for nausea and swelling to take. I'm glad I rescheduled this - originally it was scheduled for this past Wednesday and I was going to go to work on Thursday. NOT! Wouldn't have happened, judging by how I feel this morning.

Overall it wasn't a bad experience, but I have such a phobia when it comes to this stuff, I had myself all worked up.

Thanks for the good thoughts. I'm OK now!

By Amy~moderator on Saturday, July 24, 2004 - 02:18 pm:

Glad to hear. Your dentist sounds like a jerk!

By Jackie on Saturday, July 24, 2004 - 03:05 pm:

GLad to hear you got through it ok.. Sometimes the anxiety of these things is worst then the actual event.

By Emily7 on Saturday, July 24, 2004 - 03:08 pm:

I am glad your feeling better. I understand your phobia.

By Annie2 on Saturday, July 24, 2004 - 05:58 pm:

Glad you are doing okay. Sounds like a hefty procedure. :)

By Sue3 on Saturday, July 24, 2004 - 09:36 pm:

glad every thing went well other than the dentist being insensitive.I like my dentist a lot !I just don`t like visiting him at all. LOL.
Hope you are feeling better soon

By Bubbels~admin on Sunday, July 25, 2004 - 01:14 am:

Karen, tried to call you today. Call me when you're feeling up to talking. (((HUGS))) friend.

By Feona on Sunday, July 25, 2004 - 06:26 am:

Sounds absolutely horrible. Who wouldn't be scared? Thank goodness you are alright.

I might take them to small claims court to get the money back, since they broken the dental instrument in your mouth to begin with. I can't imagine a judge not giving you your money back. Of course it is a major hassle going to small claims court.

By Marg on Sunday, July 25, 2004 - 08:17 am:

I'm glad you made it through! Just the thought of what you went through scared me!

That's how I feel every time I go to the dentist! Dentist's are my phobia, lol!

I have to have a root canal coming up:( Not looking forward to it, nothing near what you went through, and this dentist is patient with me.

I agree with Feona, just the thought of it makes me cringe.

By Eve on Sunday, July 25, 2004 - 08:55 am:

Karen, I'm glad you made it through ok. I hope today you are feeling better. It only has to get better from here! Feel better soon!((HUG))

By Karen~moderator on Sunday, July 25, 2004 - 12:59 pm:

Just to be clear, there were 3 different dentists involved in this. I was told up front this is one of the risks involved with root canals - although it is one of the lesser occurring ones.

The tool thing happened with dentist #1, who I really do like, and will see again for regular dental work. Dentist #2 was the endodontist specialist who dentist #1 sent me to after it happened, who stated this could have happened with him too. He couldn't do anything for me so he and dentist #1 referred me to the oral surgeon (dentist #3). That's the one who was the jerk. No bedside manner at all.

But, like I said, the aftermath of it all wasn't as bad as I thought it would be. I am just REALLY afraid of dental work.

I've been feeling pretty good, but I think I'm pushing it a bit too. My face isn't swelling nearly as much as I'd been told it would, but I've been keeping it iced since surgery. However, now it's actually looking more swollen than it has been since I got home which may be because I just spent an hour on the phone with Pam , and I do have a slight black eye, which they said I would probably have. The pain isn't nearly as bad as I thought it would be either, but that could be because I'm on meds for that. Still have the low grade temp too, but I'll be returning to work tomorrow.

Is anyone else a big baby like I am when it comes to going through this kind of stuff? I do fine dealing with it when it's DH or one of the kids, but when it's *me*, I just freak out.

By Joy~bundles on Sunday, July 25, 2004 - 01:06 pm:

Ugh, what an ordeal, Karen!! Glad you're doing better now!! :)

By Mommierenee on Sunday, July 25, 2004 - 01:17 pm:

I hope they give you enough pain medicine for the surgery!! My husband had some work done & they gave him 20 pills. The directions were 1 to 2 every 4 to 6 hours! With those directions, he could potentially take them all in 1 day & a half. He was still in pain & they told him to take tylenol or ibuprofen OUCH! That's not strong enough!!!
They acted like he was a drug addict or something!

By Sue3 on Sunday, July 25, 2004 - 04:25 pm:

I freak out also when it come`s to the dentist.I have told him that I would rather give birth than get my teeth worked on (it`s the truth) and he said a lot of people feel the way we do.
I have had about 8 root canals and half of my teeth are crowned.
It makes me wonder why I have not had dentures yet,then I wouldn`t have to get my teeth worked on.
Though I do not want to go through with the procedure of getting the dentures and getting my teeth pulled out!
I have to go in about a month to get my roots of my teeth scraped (yuk)and I am already worrying about it!
I hope this is the end of your teeth getting worked on for a while

By Feona on Monday, July 26, 2004 - 06:16 am:

I am just wondering about something. Probably totaly rude of me to mention but I will anyway. I have had three root canals. They never warned me about this. So I am guessing the dentist you did it isn't any good because he warned you about it. (Like it happened before with him) I wouldn't go back to that dentist. Anyway that is just a guess or a feeling I have. I am probably wrong. I have heard of horrible root canals(pain), but never this.

By Karen~moderator on Monday, July 26, 2004 - 07:29 am:

Feona, that was honestly my first thought. But I've talked to other people about this, and several of them said they had been told the same thing.

I saw the metal *file* that the tip broke off of. I also saw the Xrays of the tooth. The Xrays showed the canal and the file was bent at about a 40 degree angle from my tooth. So I don't think they made this up.

However, you *could* be right and he might not be a good dentist! LOL How do you ever know???

By Feona on Monday, July 26, 2004 - 08:07 am:

Usually a regular dentist will do root canal. Maybe it was a difficult job.

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