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How often do you stay at home?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive July 2004: How often do you stay at home?
By Momaroze on Friday, July 23, 2004 - 11:34 am:

Do you go out every day. I don't, sometimes I stay home all week long but find I get quite irritable by the end of the week. I live out in the country so I have to drive everywhere to get to someplace. :)

By Emily7 on Friday, July 23, 2004 - 12:02 pm:

I am almost always home.

By Vicki on Friday, July 23, 2004 - 12:06 pm:

Most I can stay home is about 2 days. After that, I am nuts!! LOL Even if it is just going to the store or post office or Dairy Queen or something, I get out about everyday!! Now, in the winter if the weather is bad I stay home, but other than that.....I go nuts if I am home too much!!

By Rayanne on Friday, July 23, 2004 - 12:15 pm:

I try to stay home as much as I can, but sometimes....
I just NEED TO GET OUT OF THE HOUSE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!:)

By Boxzgrl on Friday, July 23, 2004 - 12:24 pm:

I'm home a lot because being a SAHM I feel the need to clean, clean, clean (maybe a bit of OCD?? :) ). But when the house is clean I get out to the park, playgroups, the mall... pretty much anywhere where DD can socialize. Sometimes I find the need to have to get out by myself so if DH is home I leave DD with him and run an errand, even if its only picking up some milk from the store. That 10 minutes alone is worth a lot to me!!!

By Jackie on Friday, July 23, 2004 - 01:28 pm:

Well Im technically a SAHM,but I go out and do something everyday.. Sometimes we are out for a couple of hrs,sometimesI just run out to the store and come right back.. I dont like being in the house all day,I get restless..Now,believe me,there is plenty of cleaning and stuff to do around here,but rather not :)
Plus having both kids home in the summer,I want to pull my hair out if we had to stay at home all the time..:)

By Babysitbarb on Friday, July 23, 2004 - 03:44 pm:

I run a home daycare and Im home all day long but,lots of times during the evening Im itching to go some were. With summer and my nieces playing ball we have been gone a lot.In the winter Im home and in a lot and I get very stir crazy.My girls think it's a crime to ever stay home but, sometimes we just have to do that.

By Conni on Friday, July 23, 2004 - 05:10 pm:

I am gone alot. Always an errand to run for me or my husband, always an appt between the 5 of us (plus 2 dogs and a cat that go to the vet). Speaking of which I was just at the vet this week. All 3 boys had haircuts this week but had to be on different days (which is unusual and not convenient--but its how it worked out this time). Had *Kids College* Graduation this morning (a summer program ds attended), took ds to lunch and to the shoe store for new shoes-- he bought a MEN's size 9---holy cow! Then to the carpet and tile store to get some samples for a project we've got going on. It is neverending running around for me. My house is filthy this month (especially) as I am taking a summer course in the evenings at the community college--lots of homework/studying when I am actually in the house. I dont even want to get in my shower it is so gross right now! lol Heaven forebid, my dh to lift a finger and help in the house...

Now when we have been home this summer we have had kids over swimming. I have to spend alot of time outside working on the pool (we have an above ground one), watching kids, yard work, and then there is the time I spend actually PLAYING with my kids.

Tonight we leave for an overnight trip, wont be home tomorrow, Sunday I go to Tulsa to pick up my neice and nephew and bring them over to stay for a week. I am not even home on the weekends!

OK back to your question now... No I am not home everyday all day long. I am gone at some point in almost everyday. :) Alot of the time I am wishing I could actually 'STAY HOME'. :)

By Momaroze on Friday, July 23, 2004 - 07:33 pm:

Conni, OMG, that sounds a little too busy for my liking! Your son takes a size 9 mens, is he 11! That is huge. My ds is 13 and he takes a size 9 mens. I hope you have a relaxing overnight trip!! Maybe I could come over and clean your house for you LOL, I have some time LOL! :)

By Cat on Friday, July 23, 2004 - 08:26 pm:

You'd think being a SAHM that also WORKS at home, I'd be home more than I am. With church, the kids activities, errends, pets with appointments, etc, I'm out of the house at least once every day, usually more. When school starts I'll be dropping kids off and picking them up about four different times a day (am drop off, am kindergarten pick up, pm preschool drop off and after school pick up). I still haven't figured out how we're going to get lunch in there! I may have to hire an assistant for about 1 1/2 hours a day. At least business is good. :)

By Children03 on Friday, July 23, 2004 - 09:37 pm:

I usually go out at least once a day, but I have stayed home for an entire day. I am an on the go kind of person. My husband says that I don't know how to relax.

By Dawnk777 on Friday, July 23, 2004 - 09:39 pm:

I have too much to do to linger at home much! LOL! Sometimes, it's a treat to just stay home.

Today, we only had a bike ride planned with friends. DH doesn't work on Friday. Her DH had the day off. It was great fun. We ended up eating lunch and supper together, too!

By Kristie on Friday, July 23, 2004 - 11:04 pm:

My dh always gives me a hard time for never leaveing my "cave". I don't go any where unless I have to. I do go grociery shopping and go to dr. apts. but other than that I would rather stay home and clean and cook. I use to want to go go go but now I would rather stay home cuz its cheaper. We only have one car and my dh drives it to work so thats my excuse for staying home all the time. There isnt much to do around where I live any way.

By Feona on Saturday, July 24, 2004 - 06:39 am:

We are never home. We are sometimes home in the afternoon if it is raining and I am tired. (rarely) I like to see new things. I go nuts too if I stay in the house all day (unless I am sick)

By Eve on Saturday, July 24, 2004 - 08:32 am:

I'm home a lot of the time, especially in Winter. DD can play for hours on her own, and is happy as a clam. In the Winter, I just welcome the excuse to stay home and do some reading, cleaning and cooking. I like to look out at the snow when it feels like I am in a little cocoon.

Sometimes I do feel like getting out and so we will go to Storytime or meet up with friends or go shopping. I just try to enjoy the time when we don't have to be somewhere.

This Summer, we've been happy to just go sit in the backyard all afternoon. DD seriously plays REALLY well! I just read my book and she plays. Sometimes we set up the baby pool.

I think times will change though. She will have Preschool 2 mornings a week and dance one morning a week. So, no more just sitting around for me. LOL!:)

By Andi on Saturday, July 24, 2004 - 11:49 am:

I would go CRAZY if I stayed home all the time. We stay home about one day a week so I can get the house cleaned and the other days we are out and about. We go to Target, Legoland, grocery shopping, the Outlet Center and we go out to lunch with friends a couple days a week. We are usually out mid morning until mid afternoon so the day goes a bit faster. I'm sure things will change as DD gets to the point where she is napping at certain times and DS starts school in September two days a week.
Being a SAHM is hard enough I can't imagine not leaving the house....I don't know how you do it Eve. :)

By Kernkate on Saturday, July 24, 2004 - 01:06 pm:

I go out shopping and things probably 3 day a week. I use to be home most of the time but with my mom in the nursing home I try and get there everyday. This Sept. DD will be doing to head start everyday from 12:30-3:30, Tom will be at college and Brett at school, so I will probably be out more come fall. Shopping by my self...I won't know how to act:) LOL
I do love to spend my weekends at home cleaning and doing the laundry. Everyone is home on the weekends so I enjoy it.

By Kate on Saturday, July 24, 2004 - 01:30 pm:

Oh I'm always home. I prefer it that way. I'm a total homebody. I do wish there were more people and kids in the neighborhood to socialize with, but since there aren't I'd rather socialize with my girls or characters in a good book. Many of you have said you'd go crazy sitting at home all day. *I* would go crazy going out and about everyday!

By Lauram on Saturday, July 24, 2004 - 04:14 pm:

We're never home. My kids can't handle it. They are way too active. We need to stay BUSY! We're usually out and about all day- sometimes from 7AM-7PM. That's even in the summer when I'm home with them. If they are home, they get very cranky and fight all the time. When they are out doing something, they are much happier. I wish I could be home more. Maybe some day.... BTW- I'm a pro at finding free things to do in our area. Friends call me all the time to find out "what to do!" :) We go to LOTS of free concerts, go to the park, the library, the YMCA, the pool, the beach, drs. appts, the grocery store, Costco. My oldest son has swim team right now so we've been going to lots of swim meets. The youngest has a swimming lesson and my oldest takes karate (he goes 5 days a week).

We have the ADHD family- ds has a diagnosis and his meds are wearing off- dh and I just had the "talk". I have to call the neurologist and psychologist on Monday because things are pretty bad. I don't think I should have to "work" this hard to keep him focused. He also shouldn't need as tight of a leash as he's on right now. The two year old is right behind him. I'm very worried about him at the moment as well. He is EXTREMELY active. At least he's doing imaginative play- something my oldest one never does....

By Mommyathome on Sunday, July 25, 2004 - 12:35 am:

I usually go in to town every day. I can always find a reason :) Once in awhile a day will go by that we don't go somewhere....but that is not too often.

By Eve on Sunday, July 25, 2004 - 08:54 am:

LOL, Andi.:) Don't get me wrong, there are weeks when I am out of the house every day running errands or something. Plus, DD now asks me to go to the "play park." So we frequently run over there for a couple of hours or so before lunch. I couldn't stay at home ALL the time. I would go a little stir crazy. When DH gets home,sometimes I will run out by myself.

In the Winter though, if the roads are bad, and I have no reason to go out, I just don't. Getting boots, coats, hats and mittens on to go to the store for a gallon of milk is not an outing, IMO. LOL! It's work! ;)

By Hol on Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - 01:06 am:

I am in and out all day this summer. My older DS works at a local coffee shop that is about eight miles away. (I live in the country, so EVERYTHING is AT LEAST 8 to 10 miles away). Since he doesn't drive yet, I take him in for 7:00AM, go home; go back at 3:00PM and get him. DH grumbles because that is 32 miles a day on the car, and the cost of gasoline....

My younger DS is working this summer at the local Boy Scout camp. He is on staff, so he "lives" there all week. He gets a twenty four hour pass, once a week, to come home, do his laundry, have a few good meals and catch up on sleep.

THEY LOVE to be on the go, especially when they get paid. Money burns a hole in their pocket (LOL), so they want to head for Walmart, Gamestop, or the mall.(Tho, they HAVE to put 3/4 of their money in the bank).

Once school starts, however, except for church and Scouts, we stay pretty close to home. I home school the older one, so we are home most of the day. In the winter, I LOVE staying home.

By Momaroze on Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - 12:21 pm:

I can see myself driving ds to work and back in the near future too! I do enjoy staying home in the Winter months more than I do now! I recently started to get out of the house more often, my car broke down on the side of the road and is being repaired as we speak, a part went. Anyways it has been about 6 days of being home with the exception of going to pick the car up. Today I was going to go out and dh has decided to do more work on it UGH, I am for sure feeling closed in today! Cannot wait to get out, hopefully later on today. :)

By Marcia on Tuesday, July 27, 2004 - 08:12 pm:

I am pretty much out every day. Between 5 kids, there's always something going on and somewhere to be.
They do love staying home, though, and just playing with their friends. We hang around here a lot, but a day doesn't pass that I don't have to run somewhere.
The weather doesn't make a difference to me. I'd have to stay in for many months, with the winters we have!! :o)

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