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Down in the Summer Dumps

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive July 2004: Down in the Summer Dumps
By Anonymous on Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - 04:39 pm:

Anyone else depressed by summer? The kids are home and a bit at loose ends. I plan some but not too much. My husband is really hating his job and is in the process of looking for a new one and all the stress that entails. Everyone we know is either buying a new home or moving into one and we are having to pinch pennies. It seems like all of my mom buddies are busy doing things with others. In general, I am just plain feeling sorry for myself and have PMS to boot! Any kindred spirits out there??

By Marg on Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - 05:02 pm:

I'm in the same boat...

Dh has had a knee injury since the beginning of June. He has not been to work since then, no income. We are trying for unemployment (he was to be laid off during the summer anyways, he is subcontracted out to a school district). Kids are home, dh is home, no income, making a constant 3 meals a day, dh is very depressed. MRI was today, they may need another MRI (he can not lay his leg straight). Will not know the result until Friday or Monday. If surgery is needed we will have to schedule a dr. appointment with surgeon and then surgery.

I really can't go to work, 3 dds, youngest is 4, dh is not capable of caring for himself or 4 yo. He needs assistance and is almost bedridden.

BTW, are you an "Anne of Green Gables" fan?

Sorry, I sound like I'm complaining also, very stressed and can not let it be shown.

By Happynerdmom on Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - 05:23 pm:

Not really depressed, but definitely pms-ing! My ds(11) is driving me crazy. His best friend, who lived right behind us, just moved at the end of the school year, and he's just now realizing the impact. He misses him, but I think I miss him more! lol He was in day camp last week, but now he's home ALL DAY. He's not one to occupy himself, so he's making his fun by tormenting my 14 yr-old dd.

Hope things start looking up for you guys.
(((anon))) (((marg)))

By Mommyathome on Tuesday, July 6, 2004 - 11:30 pm:

Well, I've had my moments! I do agree that it seems like everyone we know is building a new house this summer. Except for us, of course. That is a bit depressing. I just try not to dwell on it.
My oldest DD and I just decided to take a weeklong trip to Vegas in just a couple of weeks. That has really boosted the spirits around the house! DD and I are so excited, and we are both much happier around the house.
Maybe plan a "fun day" for somewhere in the next few weeks. Get everyone excited for it. It will give you something to look forward to and to prepare for. It doesn't have to be expensive...just fun!

By Kernkate on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - 08:45 am:

{{{ Anon}}}I think we all have those moments. Taking a nice long walk by myself helps me to relieve stress.
As Robin said plan a fun day...maybe a picnic in a park or at a lake.
Hope you are feeling better today:)

{{{Marg}}} Hope you DH will be on the mends quickly. It's tough the position you are in right now:( Things will get better. If you need someone to talk to you know my email...Right?

By Debbie on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - 09:06 am:

Oh, I can relate to the dh hating his job. We moved this past winter for dh's job(I was not happy about it at all) Now, dh really hates what he is doing and he is so stressed that he is just miserable to be around some days. As for the blues, I felt that way at the beginning of summer. We don't have many friends here yet, so it is hard. However, I have been forcing myself to get busy with the boys. We are going swimming, going to the park, and just checking out the area. I have found that getting out each day and doing things is helping.

Hang in there!

By Janet on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - 10:40 am:

When I was home FT, I didn't like summer because it had no structure. After the first few days of enjoying not having to get the kids ready for school, I fell into a slump because it seemed every day was identical: sleep late, kids in PJs until 10 a.m., TV constantly on stupid kid shows, and me doing housework. I wanted to have alone time, but never got it. Now I'm in a different summer slump! I work FT and the kids are home by themselves...I wish I had time to do things with them and even do housework! LOL But I know what you mean. I would also suggest trying to have just one little activity planned...even a backyard picnic is fun. Or going to the playground, going on an "explore" walk around the neighborhood, or making home-made Play-Doh or Goop. Things like that can break the monotony.

By Happynerdmom on Wednesday, July 7, 2004 - 10:59 am:

I agree. You have to get out of the house at least once a day for SOMETHING. Even if it's just going to the park, or walking around the mall. For me, at least, getting out into "civilization" makes me feel like a real person again, KWIM? It's amazing how depressing it can be to stay in the house all day. I find that it also helps me feel better when I look decent, so even if I'm not planning to go anywhere, I'll get dressed and do my hair and makeup. I'm so sorry for you whose dh's hate their jobs. BTDT. Mine loves his now, and what a difference. Of course, he works a lot, but at least he's happier when he is home! (((hugs)))

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