Trying to get pregnant while breastfeeding
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive May 2004:
Trying to get pregnant while breastfeeding
Ok I need some advice. I am still nursing my 13 month old--usually morning and night but lately during the day a few times as well. Anyway, I have had 3 cycles, but the first two were 2 months apart and the last one was 2 months and a few weeks after the other one. Since I am having cycles (although irregular), shouldn't I be ovulating? I know a stupid question, but just wondering. I figured my cycles would start getting closer together, not further apart. Also, we really would like to get pregnant now and would like any tips to help it happen faster (although I think it will happen when it needs to). I have heard Robitussin, but don't understand how and when. It took a year to get pregnant the first time (I had been on the depo shot) and we are hoping that this time will be easier. Since I am having cycles, do you think nursing will cause me to not get pregnant? Ok, that's it--I apologize for my stupidity in this area. TIA
I didn't nurse, but from what I recall reading, your cycle usually doesn't return to normal until you stop. From what I understand, that is why they say it is harder to conceive when your nursing. I could be way off base, but that is what I recall reading/hearing.
Don't count on not getting pg while nursing. Nursing is not going to stop you from ovulating or prevent you from gettting pregnant. Talk to your doctor and have them test to see if you are ovulating or get some of those ovulation tests. Then, go form there. Good Luck! Ame
You can most definitely get pregnant while nursing. The return of your menstrual cycle usually means you've started ovulating (sometimes, ovulation doesn't take place before the first cycle, but some women have back to back pregnancies without having a period). It might be harder to time intercourse for conception because your periods are irregular, but I wouldn't let that stop you from trying. If your periods are continue to be irregular though, I'd wait and see if they went back to normal after weaning.
Yeah, I know nursing doesn't prevent pregnancy, but I know it can definitely make it harder. I guess each person is different and what happens to one may not happen to another. But I am hoping that since I am not nursing as much that it will be easier to get pregnant, but only time will tell. Thanks all!
I got pregnant with DD just as I was starting to wean DS, not planned.
The thing is that you do ovulate, you just don't know when, that's why it is so hard for some people.
I got pregnant with #3 while nursing. But it is "supposed" to be really difficult to conceive while nursing.
Women used to nurse their children to age 2 and longer if they could because it was supposed to prevent pregnancy. It didn't and doesn't, but your cycle will be irregular so you have no way of "planning". If you don't want to get pregnant right now, don't count on nursing to prevent it.
First of all you aren't stupid for asking a question about something you do not know the answers to. You are stupid for not asking questions and staying in the dark. So since you asked a smart question this is my answer. With my DS and with both of my sisters pregnancies we went on Low Does BC for two months. And were pregnant with in a few weeks of stopping the pills. The pill regulates your cycle. Talk to your OB.. they will have suggestions. As far as the breast feeding. Yes you can get pregnant while breast feeding. You can give birth and get pregnant with out every having a cycle in between. So that said. There is no magic to it. Don't get all worked up about it though. Because stress will make you not ovulate. Practice baby making and talk to your OB....
My BIL sister has a total of 9 kids, she got pregnant with most while breast feeding. She breastfeeds one until the next is basicly born.