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Besides strep, what else leaves puss pockets in your throat?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive February 2004: Besides strep, what else leaves puss pockets in your throat?
By Dana on Thursday, February 26, 2004 - 06:01 pm:

On Monday, I felt weak and achey. Tues, I had clear puss pockets on the globy things in the back of my throat (my tonsils came out as infant). Wednesday night I had small but visable white spots. This morning those spots are gone. This entire time I have not had a fever, although I've been taking Motrin for the aches.

I am able to do things without staying in bed, but OH SO TIRED! My throat hurts, but nothing like strep hurts.

Clueless on what it could be. I expected it to get much worse in symptoms, but really hasn't.
Along with this, I have been VERY tired/weak feeling since a sinus infection that started back in December. Took meds, felt better, but felt weak immediately after I finished dosage. No idea if this is all related.

Any ideas?

And I know, I could see a dr. But as always, paying that money just hurts, esp when there is no guarentee in having an answer.


By Dana on Thursday, February 26, 2004 - 06:06 pm:

Forgot to add, I had a complete blood work up done in Jan w/ no warning signs of any type of illness or concerns.

By Happynerdmom on Thursday, February 26, 2004 - 06:28 pm:

Don't rule out strep. My ds just got over it, but I didn't take him to the doc right away because he usually runs a really high fever with strep, but he didn't this time. I was waiting for it to go away, but he got an ear infection with it, so I took him in...Strep! One of those "feel like a bad Mommy" moments!

By Karen~moderator on Thursday, February 26, 2004 - 07:05 pm:

Dana, have you had a mono test???

By Pamt on Thursday, February 26, 2004 - 07:21 pm:


By Bobbie on Thursday, February 26, 2004 - 09:53 pm:

Allergies?? I have an allergy to pine tar (my grandmother does also) and it presents itself as strep minus the fever. And I am having issues with it right now as a matter of fact. But anyway, anything tar passed makes me sick. As in the sealer they use on black top, stains, oil based paints and any live pine that is sapping or cut so that the sap runs. My first symptoms are usually a burning in my throat and/or lungs. Not a painful burning but a noticeable one (and I can usually look around and find the cause, Christmas is a real pain in my throat LOL). Then my throat starts feeling raw and with in a day or two I start getting the pustules and my tonsils and anodes swell up (but you don't have those) and then I get sinus drainage which is thick and if I don't take Benidril it can catches in my throat. I have been like this my whole life. And the strep test always came back negative. They didn't figure it out until I was 12 and went to a Summer camp that just happen to be in a pine forest. Needless to say by the end of the week I was so sick I couldn't stand myself. My face was even starting to swell. But anyway, If it isn't strep you might want to be allergy tested. Just a thought. But once I learned that is what it was I could control it to some point and medicate if I am exposed. And I haven't had a bad case of it since the camping trip. But I have learned what causes it and I know when I am exposed I need to get medication. Good luck figuring out what is going on...

By Dana on Friday, February 27, 2004 - 08:15 am:

Bobbie, that is a good thought. It seems my reactions to allergies has done nothing but get worse each year. I know for sure that winter is my worst time of year and since December I have been miserable.

The trees here (oak types) are in full pollen stage. Maybe I am reacting to that. Like you my first symptons of this throat issue was a pain in my lung area which grew into the throat and showing those white spots. The drainage from my nasal cavity is very thick and clogging like.

Karen, I thought about mono, but figured that would have shown up on the blood work last month...if my tiredness was related to that.

All in all, I haven't gotten any worse. From what I have read, strep will run its coarse without antibiotic intervention. So, as long as I'm not getting worse, I think I will just let it ride.

Bobbie, did the benedryl get rid of the sore throat symptoms? I think I will try that.

By Fraggle on Friday, February 27, 2004 - 08:31 am:

I get those white spots every once in a while when I just get a regular cold. I never had my tonsils out and they never shrunk as an adult (I thought everyone had huge tonsils until my DH showed me what his look like-you can barely see them). Anyways I have had the doctors test my throat and test the white spots many times and it has always turned out to be nothing but a regular cold. The spots eventually go away.

On another note-I had a sinus infection a while ago and thought I was over it-it actually came back and I had to go back to the doctor to get a different antibiotic-and that cleared everything up. Hope you feel better soon.

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