Photographic memory?
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Photographic memory?
By Kolbysmom on Thursday, February 19, 2004 - 10:19 am: | Do any of your kids seem to have a photographic memory? I'm just wondering because my DS who is 2.5 can remember EVERYTHING!! The other day he started talking about a vacation we took when he was 11 months old. Another example is one day my DH had an Aerosmith shirt on, and DS wanted to know their names. We told him and that was that. A few months later(probably 3 or 4) and we were doing laundry and saw the back of the shirt(the logo) and he started naming them all! So, we turned the shirt around and sure enough he could point them out and knew all their names. Is this stuff normal? He can meet someone once or see a picture and he'll remember their name months later. He also learned 8 of his colors, to count to 5 and a few letters all in one day. It just amazes me!
By Marg on Thursday, February 19, 2004 - 10:43 am: | Nikki, My oldest daughter has a photographic memory and is a visual learner. However, this was a big problem in public school, lol! Anyway, she can remember the first time she went to Florida (she was 2.5). I don't dare promise this daughter anything without coming through, she can remember the where and when's of everything! However, middle dd doesn't have this ability, difference between night and day. My daughter can tell you where we are going with the routes we travel, it's been a habit since she was 1 - 1.5. She loves to travel. She can read maps with ease. Must be nice, I don't have this ability.
My dad use to say that I had a photographic memory when I was little. My oldest DD remembers EVERYTHING as well. But, my middle DD is lucky if she can remember last week LOL. We went to SeaWorld for the first time just after my oldest turned 2. She still recalls little incidents that happened there and it blows me away. She sounds alot like Marg's oldest. She knew the route to the store and home before she was 2. My DS just turned 2 and he is no where near what she was at at this age.
Well my dd has one of those selective photographic memories!! She can rememeber things that happened when she was 2 or 3 like it was yesterday. She remembers i told her she could have a scooter when she was 9 and that was when she was 4, well she is almost 9 and she is reminding me every day now. BUT tell her not to run in the house or to brush her teeth and she forgets in a minute! Amazing, huh!!
By Melanie on Thursday, February 19, 2004 - 11:14 am: | I wouldn't describe oldest ds with a photographic memory necessarily, but I did notice from a very early age that he has an amazing memory. And you will be happy to know that he is now 8 and that memory is serving him well. In school he can be told a spelling rule or math concept one time and he has it. He remembers the rule and can apply immediately. That memory of his really helps school come easily for him. I see the same kind of thing in my almost 3 year old, and I hope the school thing holds true for her as well.
By Marg on Thursday, February 19, 2004 - 11:45 am: | Robin, my 3 yo is the same way. Our middle daughter you could place in the middle of a corn field and she couldn't find her way home, lol! Our youngest daughter has a strange memory, almost like a man, she remembers only what she wants to remember!! Is it something about the oldest child?
By Kay on Thursday, February 19, 2004 - 03:55 pm: | I have memories from when I was less than 2 years old - some of them with my grandparents bringing me ice cream, and the most vivid is on the last day I ever saw my grandfather alive - I remember who was holding me, etc. In college, I took tons of notes, but never looked at them again, nor did I study, because I could read the notes I had written in my head during the test. I could also recall seeing passages in books and being able to pull answers from that. I am definitely a visual learner. It's kind of freaky sometimes, when I'm able to tell someone that although I don't remember what page something is on, to look in the bottom right hand corner, etc., next to the photo of etc. I'm an only child, and all three of my dks seem to have some of this ability, as well as early memory retention.
By Carolk on Thursday, February 19, 2004 - 06:09 pm: | Marg, what do you mean that it was a problem for your daughter at the public school? I'm asking because my son's memory is like that and he will be starting kindergarten in a public school next fall. Just curious. TIA