Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive February 2004:
Randy has strep (again). This poor boy gets it at least twice a year! I guess that's not much, but Robin I don't think has ever had it. I got it a lot in HS, so maybe it's hereditary. So he's home with me today and half the daycare kid's parents decided not to send them so I just have two (siblings)--with the instructions not to let them play too close to Randy. He missed standardized testing today and will again tomorrow. Oh well. He can make that up. Anyway, just a little vent for my little man.
When our family got it on Christmas over 5 years ago, the dr. warned that it can easily come back within the next year, (((Cat))), praying for your whole family.
we just spent the night in urgent care ... daughter has it again she gets it every three months ...last jan we had her tonsils taken out so she wouldnt get it again ..she thinks she went thru the operation for nothing ... sighs
Cat , Hope Randy is feeling better soon.We have been lucky so far no strep ( k.o.w ). Also I think it is hereditary , I also had it alot in High school so I had my tonsils out at 18 and have not had strep since. The same thing happened to my Mother. take care and enjoy your down day
Poor guy...dd had it a couple weeks ago and I don't think she completly got rid of it. Her breath still has a faint odor.
One of my girls has it too. Took her to the Dr on Friday. She goes for her follow up this Friday. She seems to be doing a lot better. Hope your little guy gets through this quickly too.
So sorry Can you believe it? Neither my boys nor I have ever had strep. Of course, we have had our share of the croup and ear infections. Hope he's feeling better soon.
Before kids I got strep repeatedly. What a nightmare. An ENT put me on antibiotics for 3 mos. straight. That finally did the trick because I haven't had it since. Hope Randy is better soon!
UGH! Hope everyone's feeling better soon! Mine used to get strep ALL the time, and I DON'T miss those days!
Thanx everyone. Randy's feeling better today. He says it only hurts a little when he swallows. Dh and I, however, aren't doing so well. This is the first time I've checked the boards because I haven't been able to sit upright all day. We both caught some stomach bugs. I'm trying some Ritz crackers now and dh is in bed (he's about 8 hours behind me with this). I hope Robin doesn't get it. He's the only one that hasn't been sick yet. Bad thing is, Dh is supposed to have surgery tomorrow on his shoulder (rotator cuff). They said to come in at 6am and they'd evaluate him to see if they can still do the surgery. Typical military. He's sick so they want him up at the crack of dawn. There have been several people at my church with strep (which I didn't find out until I called everyone's parents that Randy played with Sunday!lol) and when dh talked to the surgery clinic today they said half their staff was out with the stomach bug. They did say it's only a 24 hour thing. Good way to lose a few pounds, though! lol Here's hoping we're all better tomorrow.
{{{Cat}}} Hope you and Dh are feeling better soon! so much for a down day.