Checking In Again
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Checking In Again
By Tonya on Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - 02:06 pm: | Well ladies still no baby. But hopefully in the next couple of days. I am now dialated to 3 and am 70-80% efaced. I am waiting right now for the DR to call because I am having a ton of issues and have just had enough. I honestly feel like I cannot do this anymore. I cannot breath and cannot eat or drink anything without getting heartburn really bad to the point that I am sick. Walking down the hall takes my breath away and it takes forever to catch it again. Even water is giving me heartburn. I haven't slept in days longer than 60-90 minutes at a time then I am up for at least 30 before I fall back out again. I am hoping they will induce before the week is up I am only a week from my due date so we'll see. I will let you know when I find something out. Which will hopefully be soon.
By Marg on Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - 02:17 pm: | Tonya, you sound just like me with 3rd dd. I was a week overdue and I looked like an elephant, I couldn't do anything. He told me he would let me go a week past and then induce me That's what happened. I was 3-4 cms for a long time, they induced me on 7/3 and I had her in less than 1 and 1/2 hours. I used to sleep in a recliner. I'm so sorry and I'm praying for you and your little one.
By Tonya on Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - 02:21 pm: | Well I just talked to the DR and they told me there is nothing they can do. I don't understand how someone can be this miserable and they can do nothing until I am at least 4 days over my due date. Well they moved it to 2/23/04 so I could be pregnant for another 4 weeks before they do anything. I cannot do this for another 4 weeks. I am crying all of the time and cannot walk or breath but they can do nothing. This is crazy. How can they do this? The baby is almost 8lbs and if they would have left my due date alone I would have been due next Friday but since they moved it now they cannot move it back why not? I am a total and complete basket case I am miserable and I cannot physically or mentally or emotionally do this for another 4 weeks. What am I gonna do? I am sitting here balling my eyes out right now with the thought of going through this for another 4 weeks.
By Vicki on Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - 02:23 pm: | Oh Tonya! The end is so miserable isn't it!! Why on earth did they move your due date?
By Tonya on Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - 02:27 pm: | They did an untrasound back in November and on those measurements they said I was 10 days shorter on term than what they thought so they moved it but they never told me until I went in 3 weeks ago fro my ultrasound to check things. They did that ultrasound 3 weeks ago and her measurments and right where they needed to be for the first due date not the 2nd. But by using the 2nd due date she is in the 75th% for size and weight (which means bigger than average). Which to me means they should move it back to where it was. Then she would be average for where I should be for my 1st due date which was 2/13/04 next Friday.
By Vicki on Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - 02:59 pm: | Oh my, what a mess. But they won't let her get too big. If she continues to grow well, they will take her early. That is, if things don't happen on their own! At least that is what I have always heard. Did they mention that at all?
By Andi on Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - 04:08 pm: | I am so sorry you are feeling so bad. Wow, the baby is 8 pounds and they are going to let you go another 4 weeks? Are they CRAZY??? I would make an appointment to go into the doctors office and CRY! I would cry and complain until they do something. What do they want you to have a 10 pound baby? Try to keep your spirits up and just keep thinking of the beautiful baby you will be holding soon enough.
((Tonya)) hang in there. She will come when she is ready. Did they say if you went into labor that they would try to stop you? My friend took Castrol Oil to start her labor. She mixed it with a slushy and it worked great.
By Trisa on Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - 04:31 pm: | I am so sorry you are so miserable. The end is just so hard. You are so tired and it just sucks. I pray you go very soon!! Feel free to vent to us any time!
Ugghh...I hope your labor starts soon. I'm very surprised that they are letting you go so long. Especially if she is already 8 pounds. My 3rd pregnancy was helped along with pitocin. I just went to the hospital and told them that I was having mild contractions and that I wanted pitocin to help them along. My doctor OK'd it thank goodness. I was so miserable and I still had another 2+weeks to go. ((((hugs))))) Go see your doctor and tell him the you would like to be induced. Maybe him/her seeing you face to face will understand better.
By Mrse on Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - 05:18 pm: | I was two weeks over due, and my doctor told me to take the caster oil, I think she told me to take too much, as I could barley get into the car to go to the hospital. The delay, just might have something to do with the doctor's schedule. I would check with the receptionist, at the doctors office, just ask, if he is going on days off in the next few weeks, just to see what they say. My doctor told me to take the caster oil, at a certain time, so that she did not have to come to the hospital in the middle of the night. I think, that if you, are really uncomfortable, I think, that you should ask your doctor about the caster oil, see what he says. It does seem strange that baby is the right size, but they want you to wait.
By Dawnk777 on Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - 05:47 pm: | I remember feeling that way with my second daughter. She was 8 lbs 1 oz at birth. I was miserable, too Fortunately, nature took care of it. My water broke 2 weeks before she was due! Yay! I was so happy!
By Tonya on Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - 07:20 pm: | They told me they wil lonly enduce before my due date if something is wrong with me or the baby. Timmy was 10 lb 2oz so they say I can go a little longer. I am going into the office tomorrow for a non-stress test and I am going to demand to see the DR befor I leave and the way I have been going lately Iw ill start crying before I even see him. The stupid nurse who has never even been pregnant told me that she could sympathize with me (boy is she wrong!) but the Dr could do nothing before my due date or he would be liable if something happen to the baby. I think she is full of sh@@!!! At 37 or 38 weeks what will happen nothing. And hey if they go by my old due date I am 39 almost 40 weeks now. Pitocin is what they gave me with Timmy when I was over my due date to enduce. I am going to beg tomorrow because I cannot keep up like this for much longer. He told me that if I went into labor they would not stop me but I had to go into labor on my own at least until my due date. Je said he doesn't stop his patients after 36 weeks when they go into labor so what is the difference in helping me or letting me go if I am this far along? OH wel las awful as I am feeling now wait until tomorrow morning I am going to be evil and I am going to bawl my eyes out. He has no heart if he doesn't feel somethign when I am there tomorrow. What will caster oil do for me? I heard all that will do is make me poop nothing more?
I've heard if you take caster oil it will help bring on labor, but I'm not sure -- you also have to becareful the amount you take. I'm sorry you feel so bad, wish I could help. (((HUGS))) Try doing some serious cleaning -- scrubbing floors, walls, etc. It might help bring on the labor. Good luck, keep us informed.
By Tonya on Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - 07:43 pm: | I cleaned everything in the house except the floors and the dog and I think I am heading in now to clean the dog he stinks and I want him to smell good so wish me luck ladies! Maybe bending over the tub for 30 minutes or so will help some.
By Momoffour on Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - 08:27 pm: | Tonya I was the same way with my oldest. I was 2 weeks over. Well My sister inlaw read in a parents magazine that Raspberry tea will induce labor. by that time she told me I already had dd. My sister inlaw was due the end October. Well she went out and bought some tea and went into labor. I didn't believe it. So forgetting about what Raspberry tea does. I went out for dinner with hubby and I was 23 weeks pregnate drank some tea and later that evening I started experiencing pains. So Went to ER and sure enough I started early labor. but they stopped it thank god. but I would reccommend it. It might help. I know of a few people it started labor.
By Bobbie on Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - 09:39 pm: | Tonya here is a link to Natural Ways to Induce Labor. Has a few methods listed that would not require you to take anything. If you are up to it you might want to try those first. Labor (Off the net)... For decades, women have been using castor oil to help induce labor. In fact, many old school physicians swear by it. It can provide good results if you are already in early labor. It is believed to work by causing spasms in the intestines, which surround the uterus toward the end of pregnancy. These spasms, in turn, cause the uterus to cramp, which might result in labor Castor Oil Recipe: You can take 1 to 4 ounces of castor oil mixed with 6 ounces of orange juice to cut its oiliness. You'll want to drink it quickly because of the unpleasant taste. Some practitioners suggest taking a single dose; others suggest repeated doses depending on your response. Keep in mind that castor oil usually will cause your bowels to empty within about three hours. With luck, soon after that, you will be in true labor. Here is a link about Red Raspberry Leaf Tea Tea Quote from site... What does Red Raspberry Leaf Do? Red Raspberry leaf does not start labor or promote contractions.It is NOT an emmenagogue or oxytocic herb. What it does is help strengthen the pelvic and uterine muscles so that once labor does start the muscles will be more efficient There are actually a bunch of sites about natural induction but they all list the same methods. Good luck and prayers for a healthy baby. I used the caster oil with DS by the way.
By Bobbie on Wednesday, February 4, 2004 - 09:59 pm: | This castor oil recipe is not unpleasant for the mom and leads to good results: Blend 4 ounces of oil with just enough citrus juice (cuts the oil) to make it liquid. Have another glass of fresh juice, as well as a wash cloth drenched with hot water, at hand. Ask the mom to drink the castor oil mixture as quickly as possible. Then tell her to wipe out her mouth with the cloth to remove the oily residue. Next, have her rinse out her mouth with the fresh juice and spit it out. Finally, suggest she sit down to finish the rest of the juice slowly. The castor oil has no taste, it just feels awful, so this method really helps make it more palatable. The castor oil usually causes the bowels to empty within three hours. (We offer the mom "baby wipes" instead of toilet paper to prevent soreness.) Next, suggest the mom get into a very warm bath, and pour water over her abdomen. If a Jacuzzi is available, all the better! Contractions will usually begin while the mom is enjoying her bath. [Some people suggest 2 ounces of oil with 2 ounces of frozen orange juice. Some suggest then adding a scoop of vanilla ice cream. Some people suggest adding *more* orange juice to cut the oil more. Some people suggest adding as little orange juice as possible to make the whole dose as small as possible. The only universal advice seems to be that it's best chugged.] But I would suggest you try the other methods listed under the labor link first.. The second suggestion on that link is what worked with my first. With in three hours I was in active labor.
Tonya, what about a drive on a very bumpy road? I've heard that works. If nothing else works --- put your feet up and relax (at least as much as you can)
By Jjandmom on Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 12:01 am: | Tonya I drank castor oil with my 1st the doctor told me to take it at 7:00 pm well I waited till 9:00pm I drank it with the orange juice I was 3cm gone, my water broke at 1:00 am and I had baby by 4:30. It helped me, but the taste is nasty the taste to me smells like motor oil. I had to do it when I had to have an ivp test for kidney stones I cried I didn't want to drink it again but they told me I had to. If you try it I hope it works quick on you and try doing alot of walking that day before you do it, it really helped me. I had the same problems you did and I hated it. The doctor told me try that. Good Luck
Well I have to disagree with the quote from the raspberry tea. I have seen it work first hand. I never had one bit of problem with my second pregnancy until I drank the raspberry tea for lunch that day and by that evening I was in the hospital with contractions...
Here's another one-hope it helps! Balsamic vinegar. My midwife had me eating salad with tons of balsamic vinegar on it. Seemed to work. Maybe you could make a salad dressing with castor oil and balsamic vinegar! Just kidding! Good luck Tonya. I hope that baby is out fast. The last bit of pregnancy sucks so much! Fiona
By Tunnia on Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 12:55 pm: | I had some complications with my first pregnancy and one of the things I had to do in the hospital was a CST (contraction stress test). Basically they laid a warm damp towel over my chest and then had me stimulate my nipples by rolling them because nipple stimulation will cause uterine contractions. If you don't want to do this alone, then I'm sure your bf wouldn't mind helping you out. Good luck to you. I hope you go into labor soon.
I think it is ridiculous for them not to induce you. I was scheduled to be induced on the first day of my 39th week because I was so miserable but I guess I was so nervous that my water broke the day before on its own! I hope this goes quick for you. I remember the torture of waiting for it to be over. ((((Tonya))))
By Brandy on Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 03:36 pm: | They had me stimulate my nipples too but they told me to NEVER!!!!! do this at home because it could bring on labor faster than expected and i might not get to the hospital on time that's why i didn't offer up the suggestion.
By Eve on Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 03:59 pm: | Tonya, nothing to add, but just a ((HUG))!
By Tunnia on Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 04:50 pm: | Brandy, I was told to never do this at home too as it could bring on labor, but then I was much earlier in my pregnancy (32 weeks) than Tonya is when they had me do the CST. I thought I'd bring it up since Tonya is so close to her due date and she is asking for ways to put herself into labor and, IMO, this has to be a more pleasant way to try to start labor than drinking castor oil. Yuck!!!
Nipple stimulation (from what I've read it should be done under a doctors supervision) Walk, Walk, Walk! Raspberry Tea Eggplant Parmesean Sex Castor Oil Enema Spicy Foods Black Cohosh and Blue Cohosh (herbs) That's about all the different ways I've heard of. BTW, I'm not recommending doing any of these, and I haven't ever tried any of them myself. (except the sex worked once, and failed once) Good luck!