I guess I'm going shopping!
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive February 2004:
I guess I'm going shopping!
Sunday morning at about 4:30am my 5 year old dd came into our room and said she wanted a light on, so I got up turned on the hallway light, put her back in bed and headed back to bed myself. I was just snuggling in and I hear the sound of "Puke"!!! I get up and go to her and sure enough she had stood up and threw up all over the rug and bed. We get her undressed and in the shower and dh and I make the executive decision to take the rug (a remnant) and roll it up and out in the driveway it goes. Bedding off of the bed, dd showered and in the spare bed.... Well, I have washed everything twice and added a little bleach, out came the puke but with it came the great colors on her comforter and dust ruffle!!! So, I guess tomorrow is redecorate Kiersten's room day!! I like to shop but, I really liked her bedding,not to mention I have to buy another remnant,oh well. Oh yeah I didn't mention she had eaten spaghettios!!!!!! YUCK!
I hope she's feeling better. I remember when a friend of our family gave our dd (who was 6 at the time) a beautiful white furry stuffed cat. She slept with it every night. Same thing happened she ate spaghettios and got sick that night. I washed that cat 3 times, even with clorox. It was gross. I didn't want a spaghettio colored cat so I had to throw it away