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Excrutiation lower back pain...

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive February 2004: Excrutiation lower back pain...
By Marg on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 06:28 am:

Yesterday I woke up and literally had to roll myself out of bed. My lower back was killing me.

Dh had to work yesterday, so I laid in bed until 8:30 a.m. Oldest dd helped me so much and as the day wore on with a lot of help from tylenol and "biofreeze."

When dh came home I told him I was thinking about going to the emergency room but I was feeling better. He's the type to that would prefer me to go "just in case."

But I was feeling better, went to bed early and this a.m. it is the same if not worse. The pain is starting to go down my right hip.

At first (don't mean to be gross guys) I thought it was my period, I sometimes get lower back pains instead of cramps. I don't think that's the case, but I can't remember lifting anything heavy, bending incorrectly and I know I didn't fall:(

I really don't feel like going to the dr. and taking my 3 yo in tow. I know that sounds mean, but I don't have a babysitter and she weighs 52 pounds and is about 42". She has a lot of energy and I'm just not up for her playfulness at the dr's office.

They will probably send me to the hospital for X-rays anyway.

I know this should have been posted on the prayer board, and I'm just babbling at this point.

By Karen~moderator on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 07:49 am:

Marg, SEE A DOCTOR and see one TODAY! It could be something as simple as a pulled muscle, or sciatica, or a herniated or ruptured disk. If it is causing you that much pain, you definitely need to see a doctor and should not be lifting ANYthing right now.

I've had 2 ruptured disks...the pain was excruciating....a sign of a herniated or ruptured disk is severe pain that goes down your butt/hip into your thigh and/or down your leg into your foot. Usually numbness and/or tingling will follow. If you have those symptoms, please see a doctor or go to the ER. Xrays won't show disks, you need an MRI for that.

By Marg on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 08:27 am:

Thanks Karen, I have a dr appt at 1 today. I hate going to the dr.

Why aren't drs like a one stop shop, they should see you in the hospital where you could walk down the hallway to get an x-ray or mri, lol!

Bad humor comes with pain doesn't it.

It's starting to worry me because the pain is going down my right leg now.

By Mommyathome on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 10:42 am:

(((Marg))) Let us know when you get home and what the doctor says. I hope it's something simple.

By Mrse on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 11:12 am:

Well my thoughs on the whole thing, is the pain in the back and the pain going down one leg, is a pinched nerve, I have had this before I went to my chiropractor and he fixed me right up. Lay on your back and put your feet tight up against each other and get your dh, to see your feet are even, you could have put your hip out, I have been out as much as an inch, which was caused all my pain. Doctor check is a good idea, but I would get dh to look at your feet first, now you have me curious if I am right. Hope you feel better, remember ice for 15 , and then a warm pad or hot water bottle for 15 min.

By Marg on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 12:14 pm:

I wish I could Mrse, but nobody except my 3 yo is home with me.

I'm leaving soon, so I'll post when I get back.

By Karen~moderator on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 12:20 pm:

Mrse, if she has a herniated or ruptured disk, the chiropractor shouldn't adjust her. I used to see a chiro regularly, and I went to mine the first time I ruptured a disk. Thankfully, he wisely didn't do anything to me, major reason was the symptoms I was describing. I made the mistake earlier in the day of lying on the floor and having someone pull on my feet, because with all that pain and numbness, it felt like something was jammed or crowded or smushed - it's really hard to explain what I felt - and I thought that traction would help. It was a huge mistake, and actually made things worse.

Marg, please do post when you get back.......

By Brandy on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 12:39 pm:

Yes i hope everything get's healed up quickly i have lower back pain every once in awhile and i know it can keep you down too.

By Marg on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 01:53 pm:

OK, my scariliac (spelling, lol!) is inflamed. Ihave no idea, they said it may take 3-4 weeks, if nothing helps they will do an injection, that's scary to me.

I may call my chiro to see if she could help, otherwise, I have to live with the pain:( pray for me please...

By Brandy on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 01:56 pm:

They didn't give you anything to take for the pain? That's ridiculous i can't believe that..I would go get a second opinion on that.I got at least pain relievers when the same thing was wrong with my back.I think it's called a sciatic nerve?

By Marg on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 02:28 pm:

Boy I spelled that wrong:(


website about injections, she gave me a stronger version of ibuprofen, it will stop the inflamation.

By Marg on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 02:33 pm:

They told me not to exercise for 3-4 weeks Brandy:(

By Mrse on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 06:07 pm:

To Karen
I did not tell her to get anyone to pull on her feet, just to look at the level of her feet, may have given her an idea if it was her hip that was out. I also said going to the doc was a good idea. Hopefully anyone, writing in on a board, would consult a doctor before trying anyone's method of what to do. I did not intend for her not to go to the doctor, and use the chiropractor instead, I was only stating that I had similair symptoms and it was my hip that was out. marg hopefully you start to feel better soon, I did not intend to give you any advise that would hurt you in any way :(

By Marg on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 06:27 pm:

Mrse, I knew what you meant:) My hips have been out of line also, I used to go to a chiropractor and am going to have my dh check whether my legs are "even." I sometimes have a rib that "disconnects," as I like to call it. She has to "pop" it back in. Don't you love my technical terms.

What's nice about this board, is when you ask something a lot of people have had various experiences and knowledge on those experiences.

I value everybody's opinion here:)

I don't know what I'd do without you guys, thanks for everything.

By Ginny~moderator on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 07:37 pm:

I had a ruptured disk, and for about 9 months before it actually went, I had sciatica, which is pain in the sciatic nerve, which runs from the lower back, in the sacral area, down the back of the thigh and calf, to the foot. And it hurts like blazes. I still remember.

Please, do not go to a chiropractor unless your doctor tells you to. And I agree, no exercise for a few weeks. You should probably be taking some kind of muscle relaxant/anti-inflammatory meds, which ibuprofen is. Just be sure to take the pills with food (and I don't mean just a few crackers, as my dear aunt used to do).

This could be nothing much - just that you slept the wrong way or moved the wrong way without knowing it, and have some inflammation of the nerve and the muscles around a portion of the nerve. Or, it could be the beginnings of a more serious problem. In either case, I strongly, very very strongly, urge that your M.D. or D.O. be the provider you consult, and if it is not cleared up in 3-4 weeks ask for a referral to an orthopedic specialist. I realize that chiropractic treatment is appropriate for many kinds of problems, but would not ever want to go to a chripractor without having a doctor make the referral and prescribe the kinds of treatment the chripractor would administer.

I know Karen has had a lot of back problems and lots of experience with the kinds of pain this causes and the treatments for it, as have I (and, I assume, many others on the board). I also know that Karen and I are both fairly conservative about medical treatment, which is why both of us are saying do what the doctor says and don't do anything without consulting the doctor first.

I also urge you to be very careful about bending, no lifting (get your kids and dh to do all that sort of stuff)and no twisting - by that, I mean if you want to turn to reach something, turn your whole body - don't just turn from your waist or hip.

Heat often helps. It also is often helpful to try sleeping on your back with a firm pillow under your knees - it changes the pull on the back muscles. I also found it helpful when sitting or standing to have a low stool or phone book under one foot at a time to change the muscle pull. But you will find what works best for you.

Deepest sympathy and hope it clears up real soon.

By Marg on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 07:52 pm:

Thank you so much Ginny.

The dr told me that this Sacroiliac is actually a joint that doesn't move within the hip bone. That is what is inflamed. I can't do anything before it hurts:(

She told me to put ice on it and it sends me through the roof.

I have another appt in 4 weeks if it doesn't clear up they inject the joint which may or may not help the inflamation. I pray it goes away before that.

Once again, thanks everyone...

By Karen~moderator on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 08:14 pm:

Mrse E, I did not mean for my post to imply that you meant she should go to a chiropractor instead of a doctor, I simply meant that *if* there was a possibilty of a disk problem, NO one should let a chiropractor adjust them, and I'm sorry you took that personally. Also, I realize you didn't suggest having someone pull on her feet, I was just relating what I had done, which was a huge mistake on my part. I guess I didn't make my points too well, I was at work, so I'm sorry if anyone took anything I said the wrong way, I certainly didn't intend for my post to come across as pointing fingers at anyone.

I'm very cautious about back problems - after 2 back surgeries I have to be. When someone describes pain like that, red flags go up in my mind. Like Ginny said, there was a build-up over time before my first rupture, and I tried to ignore the pain for months as it got worse and did all the wrong things. I just hope that whenever I post about back pain related stuff it will maybe prevent someone else from making the same mistakes I did and end up in the hospital.

By Brandy on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 09:57 pm:

It's okay Marg just take the time to rest and enjoy the time off = ( ...

By Pamt on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 10:14 pm:

Marg, I have recurrent SI problems and actually missed work on 2 different occasions last year because of my SI joint. My doctor put me on an NSAID for pain relief and sent me to physical therapy. It took me just 2 sessions to fell like a new woman! SI problems are VERY common, esp in women and esp. during pregnancy. I wasn't pregnant when my back went out though. The first treatment she did some massage and showed me some exercises to do. I called for an emergency appt. a couple of days later because I was in such agony (couldn't stand straight up...would walk with my butt sticking out b/c it was less painful). That day she did deep ultrasound on me and it helped significantly. I even fell asleep on the table. It was determined that part of my SI probs were due to really tight hamstrings. The PT showed me some exercises to do to prevent the SI probs by loosening my hamstrings and some exercises to do during an SI episode to relieve the pain. they really helped!! I strongly suggest a visit to a PT. You'll need to call your MD to write a prescription for you to see the PT and your insurance will probably cover most or all of it. I promise you'll be pleased!! take care...I KNOW how you feel ((((Marg)))

By Insaneusmcwife on Monday, February 2, 2004 - 11:38 pm:

{{{{Marg}}}} I hope you feel better soon!

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