Do you have a dishwasher?
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive January 2004:
Do you have a dishwasher?
If you do do you use it or do you prefer to do the dishes? Really curious... Most times I do my pots and pans by hand and other items in the dishwasher. I only try to run the dishwasher once a day if that. We have a huge stainless steel dishwasher but it seems to take forever....
I couldn't live without my dishwasher!! I have to do my pots cause they don't go in the dishwasher, but I try to put everything else in there. I probably run it once a day.
I love my dishwasher, HATE washing dishes by hand.
nope =(
Ditto Texannie.
Yep, we got a dishwasher and its me...LOL We never had one, I wish I did tho!!
We have one. I only put certain things in it and do the rest by hand.
Yes, usually it gets ran once a day, and I too wash pots and pans by hand. or if their is only a small amount, then I will wash by hand. Mil always puts a bit of bleach in with her wash water, especially if thier has been alot of company at her house. I started doing this also, especially if their is a cold going through the house. The bleach goes in the sink,not the dishwasher.
Yep, and turn it on once a day. Have to do the pots by hand though, washer doesn't get them clean enough.
Yes!!! The one I have now, I've had almost ten years. I got one in 1976, when pregnant with DS, and IT lasted ten years, then went eight years without one. I LOVE it!!! Even for the eight years that DH and I were "between kids" (our birth kids and adopted kids), we seemed to generate enough dirty dishes to run it everyday. (An elderly friend told me years ago to be sure to thank the Lord for dirty dishes. It means that you are eating). I use the dishwasher everyday, and I put my pots and pans in it, as well as my dishes, silver and glassware. I even put glass jars that are to be recycled in it, as well as my milk bottles, because I don't want to put them outside dirty. Don't want to attract any varmints! LOL!
Just re-read my last message, and realized that it sounds CONFUSING. That's because DS's are home from school today due to snow, and are supposed to be outside shoveling. Every three minutes or so, they come in complaining that one of them is doing more shoveling than his brother! Yikes!! Can't concentrate. LOL!
Yep, it's running right now (I'd better go catch it! Ba-dum-bum! lol) I do have some things that I wash by hand, but most everything goes in the dishwasher. The only things I don't like about it are that it takes at least an hour (don't remember my mom's taking that long) and it's loud. Works well, though!
I have one and can't imagine life without it! lol... I run it at least once a day, I put everything in except sippy cups. christy
I have one, but it's broken. That's okay, I have kids to do it (can you say, 'cheap labor' ).
LOL Sunny....just waiting for my kids to get old enough to labor a little more I told DH last night that we need one more kid.....we have one for dishes, one for laundry and one for trash duty....we are going to need at least one more for mowing the lawn ;) Anyway...we have a dishwasher and I love it. Everything goes in it and we run it once a day. My inlaws a little weird. They have a dishwasher, but they hand wash everything, and then put it in the dishwasher to wash it again. It is already clean when it goes in. They say that their dishwasher is old and they don't think it can handle getting the stuff off the plates. I can see rinsing first, but they wash with rags and scrubbers first. Waste of water IMO. They should just skip the dishwasher. Our dishwasher is the kind that can "handle almost anything". We don't rinse our dishes at all. Just scrape them in the trash and in the dishwasher they go. Same with pots and pans.
I should have listed my dishwasher as my appliance I couldn't live without. Mine is only about 3 years old and can also *handle most anything*, however, we rinse the dishes before they go in. I put stuff like Corningware and Tupperware in it, as well as insulated mugs, etc. But I don't normally put pots or frying pans in it.
rofl robin! i never thought of it that way but now that you mention it maybe i will have 4 children! yes, we have a dishwasher and thank God for whoever invented that machine!!!
We run ours at least once a day. I put everything in that is dishwashser safe, including my pots. My hands get so dried out in the winter that I can't even imagine having to hand wash everything.
I thought I posted her earlier but, I guess it didn't go through. My e-mails have been slow. I imagine with the weather being bad and so many home from school and work this is probably why. I also don't like to be without my dishwasher,I run a daycare and it does get ran everyday. I also wash awkward stuff by hand.
I can't possibly imagine being without my dishwasher and no I don't prefer doing them by hand! I'm quite content to let the dishwasher do the work. Mine is ancient. We have lived in this house for 7 years and the previous owners 7 years before that. They put in the dishwasher. My house was built in 1956 and I can't believe it didn't get a dishwasher until about 14 years ago or so, so roughly 1989-ish.
Robin- I LOL about your in-laws. My 83 y/o Mom does the same thing!! I don't get it. I guess they don't trust machines.
Yes we have one! Right now it is broken! Just bought the crazy thing brand new in November and it is leaking!! They can't come until Tuesday to fix it and it is killing me to have to wash by hand!! I don't know how you all live with out one!
I have a dish washer. Four of them to be exact, DH, DD, DS and myself. We had a dish washer when the kids were little but I prefer to wash them by hand. We do the dishes in two's and it is a great bonding time and with two people doing them it doesn't take very long at all. The girls want to start helping so we have started them out with washing dishes on low load days. Pizza night or nights when there aren't a lot of dishes.
I have one his name is called Paul oh yes thats my husband he loves doing them even if its just my coffee cup its done. LOL
Robin, I can't imagine washing my dishes twice! LOL! I scrape off the big pieces of food and put them right in the dishwasher. My SIL pre-rinses everything. I think that's too much work.