Do you think she went overboard?
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive January 2004:
Do you think she went overboard?
I have been wondering bout this and am not sure its just me but I am troubled by it. Yesterday, dd's (7) mobile therapist was here working with her. DD told baby dd (3) she was gonna kill her so we (therapist and I sat down to explain what that really meant) We then asked her about the incident when she went after oldest dd (10) and baby dd with the knife. Asked if she really wanted to hurt them or just scare them. She said she wanted to hurt them to make them bleed. Now this is the part that I am really concerned about... The therapist went into my kitchen, got one of my steak knives and proceeded to twist the sharp tip into her finger to bleed. She wanted to show DD the blood. Now I freaked and told her to stop and she did. She said it was no big deal as she has to do blood work everyday for her diabetes. But I didnt think this was very good to show my 7 year old! DD was freaking out and screaming as she did it. And baby dd just stared at her stunned. Do you think I am overreacting? She is here to help dd work on her aggresiveness and meaness. Should I talk to her about it or should I report her to her supervisor. I honestly think she went overboard but I want to see what you guys think. PLease give me your honest opinion.
Absolutely! I realize by reading this that there are some big issues in your home. I just think that is way beyond the range of normal. Your mommy instinct is telling you this...LISTEN!
I think she went way overboard. I'd be looking for a new therapist.
My honest opinion?? I am not sure at all how comfortable I would be with the 7 year old even in the house!! I have no idea what my reaction would be to what the therapist did, but Kaye is right, you have some bid issues in your house. I think I would at least call the supervisor and talk to her about what happened. She would have more of an idea what is normal in the range of treatment than we would.
Renee - If you get a chance, post this question over at on the general message board and ask those parents. They've seen it all with professionals and their methods. Hugs to you and your daughter!
Yes, in my opinion that is going overboard. ESPECIALLY with the 3 year old in the room. I do understand the point that she was trying to make....but she could have done it another way. What she did is wrong and i think you should talk to the supervisor and see what he/she says. Then start looking for a new therapist. jmho.
Thank you for your opinions. I did call and talk to her supervisor and she agreed it was not done professionally. She should of worked on using the positive rather then the negative. I am expecting a call from her supervisor and I will be requesting a new therapist. Again, thank you for your thoughts.
If anything, she taught that grown ups use knives for wrong purposes, too, and that one can draw blood with a knife and it's 'no big deal'. NOT something you want anyone learning.
I totally agree Kate. I spoke with another higher up person and the therapist is not allowed back into our home and her supervisor is taking over for her with us. The CEO of the agency has been notified of her doing this and a few other things that I was not comfortable with her doing.
I completely agree. That was so far out of line. I am happy to hear you took the steps necessary to keep her out of your home.