Sad Story in my town this week
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive January 2004:
Sad Story in my town this week
This poor baby never had a chance. WI does have the Safe Haven Law, so she could have dropped off the baby. The mom of the baby's father said she would have taken the baby, too. It's so sad. I hate when this happens. There are other options. Mother charged with killing baby born in work restroom Safe Haven Law has saved 10 lives Man wants test to prove he’s the father of murdered baby
This is way too sad
I cannot imagine after going through everyhting I ahve gone through for the last 9 months doing something like that to my child. I know my baby is alive I have felt her move and hicup and stretch and kick. When she had the places to go to give her baby up why would she do something like this. I hope they lock her up and throw away the key and I hope she never sees her 1 yr old again.
She stands to get life in prison.
This makes me sad. Both my DB and DSIL's have tried to have children and can't(one adopted 2 months ago from China)There is to many people just waiting to get a baby and this girl goes and kills this one. I think people need to be made more aware of the safe haven as you had listed.
That is so sick. Babies are so precious and such a miracle, i can not understand why and how someone can stick stuff down a baby's throat and put it in a bag in a locker and then into a truck of a car. I just don't understand it. How can people still be doing this when there are things like the Safe Haven around? Barb is right, so many people in this world are desperately trying to get pregnant and have babies, and then there are sickos who have babies and kill them. I hope they put her in jail and throw away the key!
I do not understand people like this. Just so very sad. And yes someone who can not have a child would have taken that little baby and loved it.
That is just terrible. It is so sad that people can be that selfish that they would take the life of a baby to save their own "face". Just so sad....