Sea Monkeys
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive January 2004:
Sea Monkeys
Does anyone else have these or has had these in the past? Santa brought them for my girls and I have to admit I am probably enjoying them the most. They are just 2 weeks old now and have grown so much. Do they really live up to 2 years?
When we were little, we couldn't even get them to live a day! Where did you get these, I'm interested!
DH ordered them through but I think you can go direct to the Sea Monkeys website and order, too.
What exactly are these? I have seen them in the stores but never knew what they were. Are they real living things? What do they eat?
They are living things-they start as eggs in a little packet-and when they are added to water they instantly hatch. Pretty weird. I was skeptical at first because it took about a week before I could even see them swimming around in the water. The kit came with a packet of food-it sort of looks like dry ground up alfalfa. Once we run out we will have to order some more from them-I don't know if you can just get the food in stores-but it is pretty cheap.
I've had them since before thanksgiving though I think they finally keeled over. They're really cool though and they lived longer than I thought they would. Oh, and they're a species of brine shrimp.
We have had them many times in the past, but I can't tell you how long they live. We can never seem to keep them alive for more than a couple of weeks. The last time we got them, the cat knocked them over a few days after they hatched. I guess she wanted to play with them. Melissa, sea monkeys are brine shrimp. If you do a search for them, you'll find a lot of information.
Thanks -- I'll do some research
LOL! I love sea monkeys as much as my kids do. Remember ant farms ? Those are neat also. Ds birthday is coming up , I think I know what I am going to get him
We have had Sea Monkeys since Christmas, too. Ours are about the size of lice nits. how big are yours?
Annie-I guess some of mine are really tiny like a speck of swimming dust and others are about the size of a little ant. I just gave them the growth plasma today so we will see if they even out in size. Have you been aerating their water? I didn't realize you were supposed to do anything but feed them until my DH got back from his business trip and I asked me about it. And for anyone who has lost their Sea Monkeys-there was a coupon on the info sheet about them that came in the package that said you can get a new package of eggs and water purifier if you send a $1 for shipping and handling.
Ours seem to be the same size as yours. My 12 year old dd is feeding them and taking care of their water. I thought we were going to have colored little things the size of a 1/4 inch by now. We're curious what we end up with.
Sea monkeys are actually Brine Shrimp. DH hatches them and then uses them as feeders for his bigger fish. But they are fun for smaller kids. I had them as a kid.