I'm Back, and Thanks for the Roller Skate Advice
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive January 2004:
I'm Back, and Thanks for the Roller Skate Advice
By Robin on Thursday, January 15, 2004 - 12:02 am: | Thanks to all for such a nice welcome and welcome back, and for your skate info! Alas, the only ones I could find on e-bay were blue and blue is just not her color, lol!(see earlier post roller skates). My update...hmmm! Ok, Thomas is now in the second grade and Kerry is in kindergarten. I am so not a stay at home mom. I don't have an official job but my unofficial one keeps me very busy! Thomas didn't get the best of teachers this year, so I decided that the only way to ensure that he gets a good one is to go into the school and be his other teacher. I am currently co-teaching a writing class. This involves teaching the kids how to look up facts, stretch their imaginations to work the facts into a fun story and finally illustrating the book. The kids and I are really enjoying it! I also supplement my own kids' schooling by doing my own style lesson plans on the days when they don't have much homework (almost always). I never knew how much I loved to learn before now! We do geography, math, history, and just about anything else I can think of! I also teach drama at the local library; my second home. The ladies there are just great,and get a kick out of me and all my projects! I taught craft/storytime over the summer, and have extended my teaching to the dramatic arts. I had planned on starting my own business, well actually started it, but realized that it wasn't the right time. Sooo, I use any excuse to use my talents. I also teach Junior Achievement at the school. It is quite a bit of work but I am LOVING it. Ok, let's see...I am a co-leader of our local Daisy Troop (this is the prelude to Brownies and is for kindergartners). The girls are adorable, and just so easy to please. The other co-leader is more an "A" type personality than I am but somehow it makes things much better. Neither of us has an "I'm in charge" ego, so we utilize each other's talents. I am in the process of writing about agajillion books for kids but only about a million adult books (I am not as well-versed in this area). I was in a writer's group, but found that I didn't really like discussing my work as much as I liked writing. I keep in touch with one of the women occassionally. She will be famous one day..maybe another JK Rowling! As some of you know, my mom died of pancreatic cancer about three years ago. Well, my dad got married in November to a woman who has been friends with my parents for about 25 years. That is a wild story! I think I will have great makings for a book in that one! Maybe when all the parties are dead and I can no longer be held liable!!!! My marriage is ok, good but romance...what the heck is that anyways? Do we need it? "But is he saying anything. Hmmm,no, not really." Just a joke. My kids loved that line from the Cat In The Hat". I will pop in now and again but probably won't be around as much as my original stay. Good luck to all the ladies here. p.s. to the other Robin: It is a good name,isn't it?
By Marg on Thursday, January 15, 2004 - 06:03 am: | Wow Robin! You are a good woman. Dh works in public schools as a behavior specialist (long sad story). I hope you write more, it sounds as though we have a lot in common! My mom passed away almost 2 years, she had cancer all through her body. My dad plans on getting remarried in the spring, if you ever want to compare notes ask for my email address. It has been an almost loss of dad and grandfather due to this woman Hope to see you around
Hey Robin, Welcome back! I was just thinking of you the other day and wondering what you've been up to. Sounds like you're BUSY but enjoying it. Don't be such a stranger! We've missed you.
By Robin on Thursday, January 15, 2004 - 08:06 am: | Hi Trina and Marg. Trina, I had such memories seeing your name in one of the posts earlier...all your good advice and nice ways about presenting it came back in a mind-flash. I still think about you when I buckle my kids into their carseats (ok, Thomas doesn't use one but Kerry still does..she is still a peanut)! Marg, I took a quick look at your biograpy, very pretty daughters. Too bad the pic isn't bigger. I don't have a bio, probably won't put one in unless necessary but I live in CT, have a son and a daughter, I am married (just once), have six sisters and two brothers. I used to be a Marketing Director (for several companies, lol), love to write, dance and most recently roller skate. I used to in-line skate but my back won't take it so I am back to the old-fashioned (quad skating) which is SO much fun. We have discovered that we love to hike (Kerry complains for about an hour or so but then she is fine). I would love to converse with you here, Marg, but don't give out my e-mail address anymore. There are too many viruses out there to infect my computer. BUT, my dad's story isn't sad just maddening, and funny. He married a Marge. She is something else. We haven't lost him to her, we are too strong a group of women and she is too smart to think she can rule (too much)! She has eight kids of her own, six girls and two boys. Her dd's look like and act like Amazon women and they also tried to take me to task over a silly incident at the wedding. When I stood up to them, it turns out they liked me and tried to buy me drinks all night. Good thing I don't drink. If you'd like to post your story, I will read it and reply. Take care,and sorry for taking up so much space. Robin
Yes it is Robin! I'm glad you are going to post, even if it is only occasionally. So there are SEVENTEEN kids between your Dad and his new wife??!! That is nuts. That could be lots of fun if you are all getting along. Hope to see you posting!
Robin, I forgot our kids are the same age. Both of mine are still in a car seat/booster. DD (5) is only 37 lbs. and still in a 5 pt. harnessed car seat. (Another peanut!) DS (7) is in a booster because he doesn't pass the 5 Step Test yet. I don't think he will for a long while yet. 5 Step Test Hope to see you posting again on a regular basis.
By Cat on Friday, January 16, 2004 - 12:55 pm: | Hey, girl! Good to "see" you back. You sound very busy! I'm glad you stopped by!
By Robin on Friday, January 16, 2004 - 04:37 pm: | Hi Ladies! It's nice to be back. Trina, thanks for your 5-step test. Thomas passes all of them. He is tall - about the average size of a 9 year-old. Kerry will be in her seat for a while! Take care.