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Will I ever *not* want another baby?

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive February 2004: Will I ever *not* want another baby?
By Mommyathome on Thursday, January 8, 2004 - 06:22 pm:

I've been sooooo baby hungry the past few months. I just want to be pregnant and have a baby right now! We've planned to have 1 more baby....possibly 2...but definitely one. We wanted to wait until we are in a bigger house and a little more *settled* in life. But, I don't know if I can wait that long!
DH has even been talking baby talk lately. Last night we were laying in bed and he was reminiscing (sp) about when our kids were babies, and how they were so tiny and so beautiful and so innocent (that didn't last long! LOL)
I told DH he has to be the one to keep the "plan" in line. I said no matter how much I beg or plead for another one, he has to remind me that we have a plan that we are following.
But, he's been saying he wants one just as much as me. So for now, we are just trying to put it off for a couple of YEARS.
Does that baby hungry feeling ever go away? For those of you that are done having kids, when you had your last one did you *know* that you were done?
I'm just afraid if I had my way, we'd end up with a dozen kids!

By Brandy on Thursday, January 8, 2004 - 06:26 pm:

Hey what's wrong with having a dozen kids lol.although i know i couldn't handle it if you can afford and handle it i say go for it.I felt done because the two we have were all we could afford and we wanted them to be able to do things such as academics well here they are not doing any this year lol. Oh well Danny's gone and i have to work so it will have to wait till he get's back.I really want another baby but my labors were difficult and i don't want to go through another birth.If it wasn't so painful i would be willing to have a dozen myself if we could afford them lol. Good luck Robin

By Sunny on Thursday, January 8, 2004 - 06:35 pm:

I was in the waiting room today with 3 of my kids when a young mom came in with a baby who looked to be about 4 months old. I instantly went back to when my kids were babies and for a minute wanted another baby. But, the feeling passed as 2 of the kids started loudly vying for my attention.

So, for me, I still get pangs once in a while, but we have decided that our family is complete. Still, I doubt those feelings will ever go away. :)

By Cat on Thursday, January 8, 2004 - 06:47 pm:

I made dh wait 5 years before I *let* him get a vasectomy. He brought home info on it when our youngest was 9mo!!! The boys are 8 and 10 now and I really don't want to start over. I would have loved to have had another one, but I know with all the things we have going on with our 10yo we would have a very hard time handling another one. I LOVE seeing/holding little babies, though. That's one reason I do home daycare. I get my baby fix and they go home! :) There are two new babies in my church, too and I hold them and say "ALMOST makes me want another." lol If in the future God decides to make dh's *v* fail and we do end up with another, I will gladly accept it (dh on the other hand would probably have a stroke!lol). That's my story. I will say, however, if you wait for the perfect time, when you have enough money and enough of whatever (bigger house, bigger car, etc), it will probably never happen. If you have a plan and really want to stick to it, then stick to it. If you both feel you want to deviate from that plan, do it! Do what you both feel is right for your family. If that means you have a dozen kids, hey! More power to you! lol Good luck. Hugs!

By Marg on Thursday, January 8, 2004 - 06:49 pm:

Same here, I love just the thought of holding a baby.

But, I am happy and content right now. We bought the lot beside our neighbor (she sold it to us really cheap). This story is going somewhere lol! Shannon (dd age 8) said she is going to buy the house on the hill right across from us, Rachel (age 11) is going to buy the neighbor's house who sold us the land, and I guess Alyssa will be on the lot we bought. Rachel and Shannon often ask if I will babysit, I always say anywhere anytime:)

I believe that all of us will always remain close because of what we've been through and the passing away of most of our family members. I don't mind.

Then there is our "adopted" daughter who is 20 and wants to have children sometime in her 20's so that's not too far off.

I'll just be patient.

By Trina~moderator on Thursday, January 8, 2004 - 06:54 pm:

I admire other people's babies but I *know* I'm done! I'm also 40 yrs. old so perhaps that has a lot to do with it. My two are plenty to keep me busy. The thought of starting all over and having 3 doesn't giving me the warm fuzzies. LOL!

By Andi on Thursday, January 8, 2004 - 07:24 pm:

Let me calm your fever. I am 3 months and 2 weeks pregnant and just finished with the morning sickness. I am still tired all the time and I'm already having a hard time keeping up with my 3 year old DS. Whenever you start to feel like having a baby just think back to the nausea, vomiting, heart burn, peeing, sore back and all the other wonderful things about being pregnant.:)

I hope nobody thinks I am being to negative I just hate being pregnant. I love what I get for the 9 months of missery but I think this will be my last little blessing.

By Missy3 on Thursday, January 8, 2004 - 07:36 pm:

You will know when you are done, your body or your head will tell you. I dont think your heart ever will tho. That is why you wait for grandkids!!!

keep to yourself and stick to the plan, it sounds like you are young enough, if you talking years to wait......LOL

By Momoffour on Thursday, January 8, 2004 - 08:02 pm:

After I had my last (twins) I didn't want anymore because of all the problems I had while carring them. Now 2 1/2 years later I would love to have more. I envy seeing moms with little babies or being pregnate. I am hoping it will pass.

By Mommyathome on Thursday, January 8, 2004 - 08:27 pm:

Yes, I'm there are still quite a few years left.

I guess I just think, in the back of my mind, about all the *what if's?* What if I wait too long and then I'm not able to get pregnant. What if I wait and then end up developing some sort of problem and have to get a hysterectomy (sp). What if we wait, and DH has a problem and we can't get pregnant.

My kids are still young. 5, 4 and 2. So, ideally I'd like to wait 5 years. I think we may make it to 2 years, which is our "plan minimum" LOL

I do get so tired when pregnant. I remember being pregnant when my oldest was just 6 months old. Oh how I wanted to sleep forever! Then, when pregnant with my DS we had a 2 year old and a 3 year old. That was even worse. But, I would do it all again in a heartbeat. I see the cutest maternity clothes in the mall....and it's all I can do to not buy them LOL. But, by the time I get pregnant, they will probably be out of style anyway. ;)

I never had problems with morning sickness. Thank goodness! I did have the heartburn .... that is quite memorable :) But, I would do it again and again. DH thinks it's odd. It probably is!

So, I'm hoping this will pass soon!

Oh, one more thing! Our good friends, that recently moved 3 hours away, just left a message on our answering machine about a 1/2 hour ago saying they are expecting (this will be their 3rd). That didn't help!

By Bethk on Thursday, January 8, 2004 - 09:17 pm:

Well I have been pregnant 6 times and have two healthy kids out of it and I know that I do NOT want anymore. I love my kids and would give my life for them but I just don't want to be pregnant anymore or start the whole process over again. When I fill like I might want to do it again I call the hospital and volunteer on the peds floor and rock all of those sick babies and hold them and smell them and get it all out of my system. Dh is begging me to have at least one more; but unless God says you have to do this one more time(and I do pray that he doesn't) I AM THROUGH! (i hope)

By Fraggle on Thursday, January 8, 2004 - 09:27 pm:

I agree with Cat-if you both agree it is the right time-then it probably is. I wouldn't worry to much about the what if's though-there are so many out there you could drive yourself crazy.

For me and my DH we knew we were done at two-it was a joint decision. Of course I get a little jelous sometimes when I hear someone is going to have a baby or see someone with a new baby but then I realize these are really just memories flooding back and not real urges to be pregnant again.

By Jodie on Thursday, January 8, 2004 - 09:37 pm:

hey, I was 33 when I had DS. My 1st and last. I was and still am in good shape and Really had NO problem getting pregnant . So don't worry about that part if you're in good shape.
I'm a pediatric occupational therapist(14 years) and love kids.I've come across SO MANY kids with very minor therapeutic issues and all alone because of that. It's just crazy. A few families do adopt a special needs child but those are very very few and far in between. I've made up my mind I would prefer to adopt in the future. DH agrees and maybe when DS is about 5 we'll adopt a little girl who needs a home.
My mom had 8 kids !! She loved babies. She started at 18 and kept going till 35 when she had my twin brother and me and then she stopped. We were the cure I guess ! Little terrors !!

By Dawnk777 on Thursday, January 8, 2004 - 11:18 pm:

I had mine at 29 and 32. Now, I'm 43, almost 44 and definitely don't want to start over. I'm just wanting grandkids already! LOL! I have a LONG time to wait for that! I gotta wait until mine are finished growing up, going to college and getting married. I like holding and admiring other people's babies now. Sometimes I get my baby fix at the clinic where I work.

By Bea on Friday, January 9, 2004 - 01:04 am:

I certainly don't want any more of my own, but a friend of our son's was here with his 4 month old last week. I just hated to give her back to her mommy. I need grandbabies close by.

By Kernkate on Friday, January 9, 2004 - 08:26 am:

I love babies, but at age 40 I know that I am done. When I had my DD in 2000 I was almost 37. I was having a scheduled c-section and also decided to have my tubes tied. I have 3 great kids ages 17,9 and 3. They are enough to keep me busy. And my DSD is 20, so I know in time with the 4 kids I will be able to enjoy grandchildren someday...hopefully not to soon. But sooner or later.

By Deek on Friday, January 9, 2004 - 08:57 am:

I am 48 so know that I am done ( my youngest will turn 21 in a few weeks) but believe that I will be 82 sitting in a rocking chair wishing I was rocking a baby..just that old maternal instinct I cure today is that it is freezing here in Nepa and I am home sick with the flu..glad I dont have to change any poopy diapers today!!

By Newbabysarah on Friday, January 9, 2004 - 08:58 am:

I have a 2 year minimum too! I just told my dh last night that I really want another one and I said I want it to be after 2 years but before 5 years. He doesn't believe me because before I didn't know if I wanted another one but now I do. Yesterday I was holding Sarah and she didn't want to be held, she just wanted to go everywhere except me and I almost cried. I told my hubby that I feel like she's slipping away too fast but he thinks I am crazy.

By Tonya on Friday, January 9, 2004 - 09:20 am:

I am done. I am 26 and after I have this one (hopefully in a few weeks) I am getting my lovely tubes tied. I always said no more after 30 but this one has been really hard on me. I am always tired and the heartburn and sleeplessness has just been awful and it doesn't seem to be wanting to go away any time soon. And I have had awful awful morning sickness and nausea until almost 5 months. 2 is all I have ever wanted and Rich has always only wanted 1 so I convienced him to have this one I know 3 would never fly and I like knowing that each child can always have at least 1 parents undivided attention when needed.

By Lauram on Friday, January 9, 2004 - 12:50 pm:

4 pregnancies, 2 kids, and VERY difficult preganancies (bed rest for both viable pregnancies- one for 6 weeks, one for 8 weeks). One was born prematurely and the other was a threatened miscarriage. Oh, and I'm infertile. It took 2 years to get pg with my last son. Do NOT want to do that again. Also, both boys are very demanding. One has special needs (Tourette's, AHDD, Sensory integration disorder and anxiety) and the toddler is EXTREMELY active. Both were hospitalized as newborns (one at 3 days, one at 4 days) and one almost died. NO THANK YOU! I love my boys. They are very demanding and utterly exhaust me every day, but I wouldn't send tham "back" for the world. I also know I would NEVER have another one.

By Conni on Friday, January 9, 2004 - 01:36 pm:

hmmmm, one 28 hr labor and vacuum used leaving scabs around my newborns head. He is severely ADHD.

One 13 hr labor, cord wrapped around baby 3 or 4 times. Actually leaving bruising on his chest. He had water on his thingies. (there is a name for it but I cant remember~ freaked me out!) Looked like grapefruit between my newborns legs. Very very broad shoulders and I pinched a nerve not being able to stand on my right leg for a good 2 weeks... Had ice storm couldnt go home from hospital. And then when we did get home my (now ex) husband decided to spend his paternity leave HUNTING everyday. Leaving me with newborn, hyper toddler and bum leg. :)

I was finished after that.

That is until new dh' vasectomy failed~ or actually wasnt done right. Now we have a 3rd baby boy. Was at hospital to be induced and the baby's Heart rate was bottoming out. Within 10 mintues I am in OR having emergency C~section, once again completely petrified. Baby had cord wrapped around his neck numerous times. He ended up ok thanks to some great nurses being right on top of things!

I am with LAURAM NO MORE FOR ME!! :) Not that I went thru as much as you did!! I love 'em but apparently I have kids that are too darned stubborn to come out or hyper even in the womb and get all tangled up in things.

Tonya~ 2 IS a great number of kids to have. IMO! :)

By Bellajoe on Friday, January 9, 2004 - 02:12 pm:

Ha! Spending 4 days with my sister and her twins cured me of that "baby wanting" thing! Not that i didn't absolutely LOVE every moment with those adorable cutie pies. It just reminded me of all the hard work and bottle feeding and burping and gassy pains and diaper changing that's involved with having a baby...or two.

Plus my kids are already trained :) Potty trained, can talk, eat, go to sleep by themselves.

btw, i can't wait to see those cute little girls again!!

By Missy3 on Friday, January 9, 2004 - 03:50 pm:

Glad to hear all of you done moms love that babies still. I know my sister who has 3 kids 20,13 & 11, is terrified of babies. will not bbysit mine ever.

I always feel bad asking a neighbor to watch my bby while I go to the dentist or dr etc, she says she loves it, LOVES it, so I guess I should believe her??

By Melanie on Friday, January 9, 2004 - 05:40 pm:

After our third was born I just felt like our family was complete. She's 2.5 now and I could not imagine having another. I love that we are moving beyond the baby stage. Don't get me wrong, I love little babies. I am just ready to enjoy the next stages our kids are at. :)

By Wandilu on Friday, January 9, 2004 - 08:02 pm:

i'm 50 yrs old,and from time to time i still wish i could have another one i frequently have dreams that i'm pregnant or in labor.i think this comes from the fact that my husband and i don't have children together,although we've been together 14 yrs so he was here for the teen-age yrs of my two x was never supportive of my needs during my pregnacies(he once yelled at me and said a pregnant woman is no different than a non-pregnant woman except that she had a baby inside her !!!!)and my husband is so loving and good to me and we are so much in love,i just wish we could have shared that experience together.but ,we do get to share "our"grandchildren x only comes in to see the kids once a year,so to my grandchildren,my husband is their true "papa".as a matter of fact,when the x was in for christmas,my sos's 2 & 3yr olds wouldn't call him papa.when they would say something to my son about him ,they refered to him as "your dad"well,the three yr old did,the 2 yr old just sort of grunted !!!but when they see my husband they hysterically scream'PAPA!!! so,since we can't have a baby together,we're planning on getting a dog. lol

By Babysitbarb on Saturday, January 10, 2004 - 12:43 pm:

We waited 10 years before my hubby had his Vesectomy because I wanted another one so bad but, he didn't. I fianlly told him if we were done then do something about it. No regrets what so ever but, I think why for me it's Ok is because I run a daycare and Im have little ones around me still 5 days a week. Two are babies so this takes care of my baby fever and I get to send them home and not have to get up with them in the middle of the night and all the other stuff that you have to do with babies. My own girls are soon to be 15 and 11 and it's sure nice to leave them at home if we need to or just jump up and take off (with them) if we want or need to.

By Crazytothink on Thursday, February 5, 2004 - 07:49 am:

Hi.. I have a similiar feeling that I would like to have some imput on. I am engaged to a wonderful man and we are set to get married in July. We are a combined family. He has 3 children from his previous marriage they live with us,not the mother. I have a son from a previous relationship he will be 12 next week. Can't seem to make up our minds if we want another -- the love between the both of us is worth that. But on the other hand his kids are 8, 7 and 4. The 4 yr old has only known me as her mother so in a sense I have my second. But I still wait every month and get this hope that maybe Iam. Then I realize Im not and I sigh sometimes happily, sometimes not. Is this feeling just that, or do you think I need to make that dream come true?? I try to remind myself that babies don't stay babies forever and maybe its just the baby bug like you all are saying. I am 34 yrs old and sometimes remind myself that in another 8-10 yrs or so he and I will be able to do more traveling together -- then again I live in the here and now and really think about how beautiful this child could make our lives.. Hectic with 4 kids now yes.. But dull without them! :o) Thanks everybody..

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