Sick again...
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive December 2007:
Sick again...
Well, I didn't mention being sick the first time actually! Over the Thanksgiving holiday I came home from work the first day into the vacation with a full blown headache, sore throat, coughing, sneezing etc, just felt miserable for close to a week. Would you believe I am getting sick again with the same symptoms?! I am feeling miserable with sore throat, sneezing everything all over again. I never usually get sick like this so I guess I could say I've been pretty lucky. I called off work today, and don't really want to call off two days in a row but I'll have to see how I feel tomorrow, at least when I was sick the first time school was out for the holiday, so I didn't have any days out then. Just felt like complaining alittle, hope all of you stay well!!
I'm sorry you are feeling so badly! My family has had this (on and off) since Thanksgiving, as well. Same symptoms, so I can empathize!:-( My Dh thought he was over this stuff for good but he's sick, again. I think you are wise to take off work if you are able. The hardest part for us was lack of sleep, because the cough kept us up most of the night. Take care. Hope you are feeling better very soon.
Yuck, I hate those ones that come around twice. Hope you're well soon.
I did call off for today, I feel like crap, I don't have a voice, nose is stuffy and runny. Waking up on and off during the night, hopefully I can get over this during the weekend. Thanks for caring! Oh Nicki, hope your family is starting to feel better...
It's so frustrating to be sick like that. Especially this close to the holidays! I hope you start feeling better very soon. Make sure you get plenty of rest today!
Glad you decided to stay home and rest. I hope you are better soon and feeling like yourself again.