Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive November 2007:
We have decided to spend Christmas on-board a stern-wheeled steam boat on the Mississippi river this year. We are flying to New Orleans on December 19th, and spending a few days discovering that city. On December 21st we will board the American Queen there. We'll sail up the Mississippi to Natchez, Mississippi, Vicksburg, Mississippi, Baton Rouge, Louisiana, Oak Alley, Louisiana, and back to New Orleans on December 28th. It's a trip we've thought about for years, and during the month of our 40th anniversary, we decided to go for it. Cross you fingers for us to have good weather. You know I'll bring back more pictures than any sane person. Pam and Karen, can we meet?
Bea, I would love to, time permitting!
Pam doesn't live down there anymore. She is up in WI. It sounds like a fun trip!
Wrong Pam, Dawn. LOL The Pam Bea is referring to still lives here. :-)
That sounds like such fun, Bea! Nice weather would certainly be a good thing. Fingers crossed!
Bea, I just heard from Pam. I think the only way either of us can get free would be on the *aft* end of your trip - the 28th. I will just be returning to work on the 17th after being on vacation for over 2 weeks, I will miss a lot of the 19th for my appointment with the hand surgeon, it's my DD's b'day as well, and we have 2 big ships coming in on the 20th @ work. Also, the 21st. is Pam's anniversary, so as you can see, the days before your cruise are a bit hectic for both of us. However, if you are going to be here the night of the 28th, that would work. Let me know!
Have fun, Bea! Can't wait to see the pics!
Unfortunately our flight home is already booked for the evening of the 28th. Would it be possible for you to meet us at the ship and drop us at the airport after lunch? That is about the only way we could do it.
Bea, that is a Friday, unfortunately I have to work that day. I'll just be coming off of 2+ weeks vacation the week you guys are leaving on your cruise. As I mentioned before I also have the hand surgeon and DD's b'day to deal with that week, and possibly our ISO9001 audit the same week. On your return trip, it's year-end at work that week, and just coming off vacation, there's no way I'll be able to get part of another day off that soon (the 28th). :-( I'll get with Pam and see if there is any way at all we can see you maybe the night of the 20th? Let me see what we can do.
That would be fantastic if it's possible. I sure would love to see you.