What should I do with all these strawberries?
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive September 2007:
What should I do with all these strawberries?
I met up with my best friend from college after Connor got out of school today and we all went berry pickin'! Her oldest is Connor's age and they are SO cute together! She even bought him some juice in the country store afterwards! We were outside all afternoon and picked some yummy ones! Weather was perfect and I was surprised they had so many. I wasn't really thinking when I picked 6 cases of them, so what should I do? I'm donating 2 of them to Connor's school for snack time tomorrow but I'm not so sure I'll eat the rest before they go bad. Suggestions? Picture of Connor and his little girlfriend: "I dig your strawberries, baby!"
I can give you my address. LOL!!! And they are adorable. The younguns, that is.
Oh girl, send them my way! I eat POUNDS of strawberries every week. I LOOOOOOVe them! Cute picture. (Did I mention that I loooooove strawberries?)
Maybe freeze some??
Cute picture!
We freeze them or cut them up and sprinkle them with sugar. Very Cute Picture.
CLEARLY you should send them to me! But seriously....strawberries in Colorado in late September??? I wouldn't have expected that!
OOOHHHH, strawberries. Yummy! I usually freeze them and save them for shakes or to top pancakes with along with whipped cream as a morning breakfast treat.
I pick lots of strawberries in the spring and we usually eat (read: gorge LOL) about a gallon and then I freeze the rest. I wash and dry the berries, then I cut some up to freeze for desserts such as strawberry shortcake or to put on top of angel food or pound cake, then others I hull and freeze whole for smoothies, milkshakes, or cooking with. You can also eat them plain, but they are mushier than fresh. You can freeze them with a dry ice method and they are supposed to be just like fresh in texture when thawed, but I've never tried it. You could also make preserves or jelly. I have always wanted to do that, but never have. I keep saying that maybe I'll get around to it next year. Enjoy those fresh berries! They are so much better than store bought.
Yum! I wish we had a place like that around here. I love strawberries!
hhhmmmm...I wonder how I can get all of them to y'all! LOL I wish I could share! I didn't even think about freezing them. How do I can them and make preserves? I've always wanted to try that, but I'm too chicken. And strawberries on angel food cake...yum!
EASY STRAWBERRY PRESERVES 1 qt. strawberries 3 c. sugar Cap berries and with 1 1/2 cup sugar boil for 5 minutes. Add remaining sugar and boil 10 to 15 minutes until syrupy, (watery berries may take longer.) Stir with wooden spoon. Pour preserves into earthenware jar, and let stand 24 hours. Stir occasionally. Seal cold. Do not double recipe, cook only one quart at a time.
Freeze them and use for smoothies! Or to put in yogurt or oatmeal
mmmm...yummy....when you figure out how to send them out can you send me some too?!