Kids' menus and kids' drinks
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive August 2007:
Kids' menus and kids' drinks
We went to Perkins tonight. The hostess gave my kids (15 and 5 months and just-turned-18) kids' menus! Then the waitress brings drink orders and brings drinks in brightly-colored kid cups! My children were so impressed! LOL! I asked the waitress if she could please bring my kids some drinks in regular-sized cups! LOL! Sarah was hiding her drink, behind stuff on the table. She didn't want any to see that she had a kids' cup! Do my kids look that young? I would think they at least look like teenagers, but Sarah's old enough to vote now and doesn't need her drink in a kids' cup! I told the waitress that Sarah had just turned 18 and that Emily was 15 and she seemed amazed. Then she asked how old I thought she was. I guessed 25. She was 28, but still has a young look to her face yet! (25 seemed a safe guess without making her too old!)
Maybe the waitress is used to seeing teenagers wearing too much makeup and dressing much older than they are. Your girls always seem to be so comfortable in their own skin and many girls lose that as they get older. Someday, they'll be happy to be thought of as younger than they really are. I know I really enjoy being thought of as 5 years younger than I truly am, especially since I turned 30 this year!
Maybe. My kids aren't into makeup and like to dress modestly. I know people are amazed that I'm 47, from time to time! LOL! That amazes me, because I can see the age in my face!
Well I do think your girls look very young. My dd is 13 and up until this summer, she always got served kid stuff and we ordered kids meals. But this summer has consisted of wearing a lot of those tank tops and shorter shorts and contacts and make up. She doesn't get offered a kids meal anymore. I do think the make up thing does a lot for people judging age.
Thats kind of funny cause if I go for beer at a different place for my hubby I get carded if I don't have the baby with me. I tell them they have to be kidding they said no then when I give them my ID they say oh sorry I said well I guess thats a good thing. I am 38 and don't look my age.
Tell your girls not to feel bad. I'm 27 and got asked how old I was on our cruise when buying a soda card. I was confused until I noticed a sign that said the cards were cheaper for kids under 17! I just looked at the guy and was like you're kidding right?
That does sound like an embarassing situations with your girls and the kiddie cups. Later on, they may be glad to have the "problem" of looking younger than they are.
Yeap, later on, it will be an advantage, but not right now! Neither one of them is very tall, either, so that probably doesn't help! They are probably 5'2" to 5'3". One of Sarah's classmates is even shorter than her! She was the gal who was the mistress of ceremonies at National Honor Society and Baccalaureate. She is very self-assured and confident, despite her height. I wonder if she gets children's menus, too! I run into her mom, every once in a while. I'll have to ask that girl's mom, about this, the next time I see her.
I had a telemarketer call me tonight and ask to talk to my mommy. Uh, I'm 45 years old.
LOL! Good grief!
My 17 yr old looks 12 most of the time... she's very slender and not "developed," and when she's got her hair up in her signature ponytail she just looks like a little kid. She hates it, but I sure don't mind!