Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive June 2007:
I'm not normally a scaredy-cat but man oh man we hare having a thunderstorm and I'm glad my kids are asleep! I was filling up the dishwasher and saw a flash and less than a second later a very loud BOOM! We need the rain but I could do without the effects.
That kind of weather terrifies me also.
I get scared silly when we have storms, too. I remember when my four year old was about 18 months or so, we had a storm with all the lightning and thunder and wind...gosh, it was bad. I ran to his room and grabbed him up and put him in our bed...because I was afraid. lol My dh thought I was nuts. Ds did not wake up once.
Wait a minute. If you're having a thunderstorm you should not be on the internet. You should be unplugging all expensive appliances.
I love love love a good thunderstorm. I must be weird. The rain, the thunder & lightning. Love it.
I love a good thunderstorm as long as there are no tornado warnings.
Unschoolmom, I was kind of wondering if that was the case, especially considering I'm on DSL rather than cable. I really wouldn't mind if my computer was fried, it would be a good excuse to go out and get that MAC I've always wanted. We are in a tornado area, which is just spooky to me. I usually don't mind thunderstorms either but this one just a little to close for comfort. There's was really no time between the flash and the sound.
I love a good thunderstorm too!
Besides computers, what do you unplug, Dawn? I'm not unplugging my refrigerator! We don't usually unplug the TV or the DVD player and stuff like that.
When I'm at home, I unplug the computer, the TVs/DVD players....that's about it. I mean, realistically, who can unplug everything in their house? LOL
We had the same thing. I was sweeping the kitchen and I don't think I've ever jumped that high! We had a tornado warning last week, but since we're in the mountains they don't usually touch down. There's only been one in my area in my lifetime. Little comfort to my 8 year old obsessed with the weather!
I usually leave the fridge as well...and the stove. But most of the rest of the expensive I unplug. they're all on power bars anyway so I just unplug the power bar.
Okay. I see. It seems enough of a task, to get computers off and unplugged, for something that seems to last only 15 minutes and be done, let alone to unplug all sensitive electronics. Sometimes I wonder why we both with the computers, because by the time we shut off and unplug 4 computers, the storm is often just about done with.
I don't typically unplug the computers, they are backed up and just not that expensive. I do unplug the plasma tv though