I have a real dilema
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion: Archive June 2007:
I have a real dilema
Randy's in summer school. It started this past Monday and goes for four weeks, ending the 29th. If he misses three days, he fails, has to repeat the 6th grade and we do not get our money back. He's had a sore throat since Friday and I took him this afternoon and he doesn't have strep according to the rapid test. The culture could still come back positive. However, his throat actually doesn't hurt as bad as it did, so I'm inclined to believe it was just post-nasel drip (yeah, gross, especially when Robin keeps asking me to explain what that mean claiming he forgot and then laughing hystercally when I tell him again). Now his head hurts and I took his temp a little while ago and it was 103.7 (he didn't have a temp this afternoon at the ped's clinic). SO, do I keep him home tomorrow and try to get him an appointment (not easy since the dogs have appointments in the morning we have to work around and Randy has a dentist appointment at 6:10 to have a spacer put in--if they'll even do it while he's sick), risking getting close to that three absences thing, or drug him up and send him, hoping it's nothing serious and will resolve on it's own? (not to mention exposing the other kids in his classes) I gave him tylenol and advil a little while ago and will recheck his temp after an hour or so to make sure it's going down. If not or if he gets worse I'll take him to the ER because IMHO 103.7 is pretty darn high. If they didn't have this rule I'd just keep him home. Repeating the 6th grade would be horrible for him, though and he doesn't need to. He's smart, he just didn't turn work in. ARGH!!! I hate this! He's been sleeping for the past couple hours and hasn't even done his homework yet. I'll try and help him with that after dinner. My poor baby. Tomorrow's only Wednesday. I wish it were Friday.
I'd keep him home if he's not better. It's not fair to expose the other kids who will then have their parents all worried about the absence quota, too. Five days is a loooong time to have a sore throat, IMO. Good luck....
well I have to say we were just there at the end of the year. I had to write an appeal letter for him to pass. What I would do is take him up to the school tomorrow, go to the nurses office and say okay here is my dilema, he has been to the doc, but I know we can't miss days, any suggestions? or option 2, go to the er, get a second opinion, to spike a fever after day 4 probably means a secondary bacterial infection. Get the boy a penicilin shot and dope him and send him to school!
Can you explain to whomever is in charge that he is sick and went to the doctor? It's not like he is sitting home playing video games, instead of going to class.
I don't think they care he's sick. The way it was explained to me is that the classes are so condensed that if they miss even a couple days they'll be behind and have a really hard time catching up. I just took his temp again and it's 99.2 so the meds must have worked. I guess I'll just drug him up in the morning and hope he makes it through until 12:45 when I pick him up. His throat is almost better and now we're just dealing with his head. I don't know if it's a sinus thing or a lung thing (he used to be prone to bronchitis and he does have a nasty cough). Kaye, we're dealing with the military. I doubt they'll give him a penicilin shot and send us on our way. It's not a very "user friendly" system.
My throat is sore today too, post-nasel drip.. We have had rain but it just doesn't seem to be cutting the pollen.. I know it is the pollen with me, because when we drive through certain areas of town it actually burns a bit when I breath in. I hope he can make it through..
Cat, that is a miserable dilemma. Your poor ds. I hope he can make it. Let us know how he does.
Poor Randy. Like Sandy said, what an awful dilemma. I hope he's feeling better soon. Hugs.
I hate to say this because it is something I would not normally do, but I would give him meds and send him to school. If he gets worse while there, they can call you to come get him and they will see that he is really sick. Again, it is NOT something I would normally do, but with this 3 day rule, I don't know that you have much choice.
Well, he's on his way to school (dh takes him on his way to work). His temp was 100.1 and he was saying his head felt okay, but his throat hurt again. So I dosed him up with tylenol and advil, he and dh are going to stop at Sonic and get a slushie and he's got a few throat lozenges to help get him through the day. I guess I could try and get him an appointment this afternoon. If this were the regular school year I'd keep him home in a heartbeat. He actually missed 13 days of school during the year because I'd rather keep him home then send him sick.
Poor guy. I'm glad at least his head felt better. Let us know how he does.
Poor kid. At least he can rest, when he gets home! Emily has a cold. I sent her to school coughing, today. The last couple days, she had a very drippy nose. (She's crabby, too!)
He's doing much better this afternoon. The fever is gone. He's still complaining his throat hurts. We stopped by Walgreens (local pharm store) and got some rootbeer flavored cough drops, Orange Crush flavored vitamin C drops, and some more Halls Breezers (they seem to help the best for the sore throat). He wanted a chocolate milk shake from Sonic again (said it helped) so I just got him lunch. He's eating now, then I'm going to make him get his homework done. He seems to be in pain when he coughs. Robin has an appointment tomorrow afternoon with the ped's clinic. I'm going to try and get Randy in, too. I know our PCM would see him at the same time without an appointment, but she's in Costa Rica with her son right now so I don't know what the doc we're seeing will do. We'll see... Thanx for all the hugs.