Twlight movie review
Moms View Message Board: Books, Movies and TV Shows: Twlight movie review
Okay so I went to the midnight showing of this with my dd. I might go into if you want to be spoiler free stop now. I was under impressed with the cullen boys casting. Really it was just so goofy. The whole sparkly sun thing was done bad bad bad, I think I could do better in my backyard. All in all pretty cheesy movie. Even my 14 year old agreed that the movie might have been better without the bella and edward scenes. So if you loved the books, see the movie, don't rush to it, but don't wait. This won't be the next harry potter I don't think. But if you expect cheesy, it won't let you down. That being said, the james,victoria, lebron...WOW. They were done so well and their scenes really amazing. My dd kept saying team edward, or maybe jacob. I am the first official member of team james He did an incredible job and really was what I enjoyed about the show. Okay it is late, or is that early? I need sleep!
Thanks for the review. One of my girls is crazy about the books, but for some reason she's not in a panic to see the movie.
I totally agree with you, Kaye, about Edward's casting. He just isn't the looker that was described in the book! As for the rest of the movie, well I think they should have concentrated more on the exciting parts like the chase and everything with James and given up more of the lovey junk. We also went to the midnight showing but I couldn't get on the computer when I got home.
So disappointed to hear this. I love the first book the most and have been looking forward to the movie. I hope it doesn't ruin the whole saga for me!
I don't think it will ruin anything for you reading the books.. I can see why they made the focus that they did but I would have chosen differently just because mushy movies aren't my thing. I think they really tried hard just didn't do a good job casting the characters. BTW.. Kaye I totally agree about James! I am totally Team James for the movie anyway!