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High School boy wants to play on the girl's volleyboall team

Moms View Message Board: The Kitchen Table (Debating Board): High School boy wants to play on the girl's volleyboall team
By Cocoabutter on Wednesday, November 29, 2006 - 02:59 pm:

Tell me what you think!

(Video included)

By Annie2 on Wednesday, November 29, 2006 - 07:40 pm:

If the sport is not offered at his highschool, for his gender, then he should be able to go out for the girls' team.

I feel the same way, if a girl wants to go out for the boy's football team.

Now, as far as being a female, she must be able to meet the same performance standards of play, as a boy, to make the team.

We all know that male/female teams are separated, for a large part because males/females have different strengths, heights and weight.

This boys' standard of making the team may be in reverse. Is he alot stronger/taller than the average player going out for the team? etc...

By Dawnk777 on Wednesday, November 29, 2006 - 09:46 pm:

Well, Sarah's football team has had a female kicker the last 2 years! She's good, too!

I don't see a problem with it!

By Kaye on Wednesday, November 29, 2006 - 11:14 pm:

The difference is if you allow boys onto an all girl team, you do it by ability, before long it will be an all boy team. Boys are just taller, stronger, more atheletic. However if a girl is tough enough to make it on an all boys team, she doesn't change the dynamic of the game.

If a girl makes a choice to play with the boys, she knows what risks she is taking. A boy on an all girl team can physically put the girls at risk, having more upper body strength.

So the only way to make it "fair" is to make sure they boy isn't too good, so they do you write a rule that says "you can't spike more than ?? and hour" or "if you are taller than 6 foot you can't play". With those rules you only hurt the best of the girls, by not letting them rule at their sport.

By Vicki on Thursday, November 30, 2006 - 01:55 pm:

My honest opinion, he is looking for his 15 minutes of fame!!

By Cocoabutter on Friday, December 1, 2006 - 12:56 am:

Ditto, Vicki! That's pretty much what I thought. It wasn't so much that he sincerely wanted to play on the girl's team, but he wanted to prove a point and make a big deal out of it.

I sort of look at this in terms of baseball. You have the minor league and the major league. The goal of most minor league players is to get to the major leagues. Conversely, it is NOT the goal of many major league players to go to a minor league team.

It's a fact of nature that boys are *mostly* taller and stronger than girls. Girls have long aspired to rise to a condition of strength and ability that would allow them to compete with boys ON THEIR LEVEL. So, why would a boy want to go to a girl's team? It would be like going from the major leagues to the minor leagues.

Not that I am downplaying a girl's ability to play well at her sport. I admire the good sportsmanship and great physical abilities of young athletic women. But we as a politically correct society should just face the facts that we are not, and in many cases never will be, gender equal, and that goes both for boys *and* girls.

However, I do wonder why volleyball is considered a girl's sport, and why there couldn't be a boy's volleyball team.

By Bemerry84 on Friday, December 1, 2006 - 12:58 pm:

I saw another one on MSN this morning. Boy can't sue to be on girls gymnastics team in WI. Boy oh boy is all I can say!!!!!!

By Ginny~moderator on Friday, December 1, 2006 - 07:33 pm:

I've been pondering this one since Lisa first posted the link. In the abstract, if girls can play on football teams, boys should be allowed to apply/try out for womens' sports teams - particularly if that sport is not also offered for boys at that school

But, I am inclined to agree with Vicki, that he is looking for his 15 minutes of fame. Or, he is trying to generate a "violation of civil rights" suit when he is denied the right to be on the team, claiming gender discrimination - as a sort of back-hand hit at Title X (it is Title X, isn't it?) - much like the BU Republicans offering a scholarship for "whites" (actually for people who are 25% or more of caucasian heritage).

I also think that if he did get on the team, the other boys at the school and in the community would make his life miserable, razzing him about playing with the giirrrlls. I suspect he doesn't really want to play with the girls - that he just wants to make a fuss.

As for the guy wanting to get on the girls' gymnastic team, my memory of watching gymnastics on TV is that male and female participants do entirely different kinds of maneuvers much of the time - except perhaps for the jumps and uneven bar exercises. I don't think he'd get much out of participation that would be useful to him in male gymnastics later on.

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