Child Pornography writing viewed as having "Artistic Merit" *upsetting*
Moms View Message Board: The Kitchen Table (Debating Board): Child Pornography writing viewed as having "Artistic Merit" *upsetting*
Says British Canada court. A man (sharpe) who has been charged with possession of child pornagraphy in the form of hundreds of indecent pictures was not charged iwth writing poems and stories outlining sex with boys and other such stories (this article explains a little bit) I wish I had the articles from the last couple of days. This makes me very sad and makes me wonder what is going to come of the fight to rid this world of child pornography
And on the same note, The O'Reilly Factor tonight featured NAMBLA and the attorney who defends them. This attorney believes there is nothing wrong with NAMBLA having pictures of male children in provocative positions on their web site!
NAMBLA is - well, I don't have words. I am all for the First Amendment and free speech, but child pornography is clearly an area where this protection should not apply, IMHO. And NAMBLA glorifies pedophilia, no matter how they try to skirt around it publicly. For all my civil libertarian, left wing attitude towards most things, when it comes to pedphilia I want to set up a stone wall. Everything I've read says that this condition is not curable, and I have doubts about how controllable it is. It seems to me that having access to material (and organizations like NAMBLA) that pander to this condition only makes it seem more acceptable to the individual and less likely that he (and it is almost always a he) will try to control himself or seek help in controlling himself.
I totally agree with you Ginny!
I meant British Columbia Canada *whoops*
Ginny Pedophilia is not curable at all AND on the topic of Controllable it is not that either. This is a topic I feel strongly about BTW
I tried to look at NAMBLA's site (didn't know what it was before this) and it won't display. Maybe it has been taking offline? I also read some articles about the whole controversy surrounding them.
Catherin, on the O'Reilly Factor last night, it was stated that NAMBLA said they took their site down, but one of the speakers on the show said she had been able to access it a few days ago. Maybe they really did take it down now. I hope so. They showed some of the photos of children on that site (with their faces blurred out, of course), and it just made me feel so sick and angry!!
By the sounds of it I think I am glad I didn't see it.