Presidential powers - checks and balances
Moms View Message Board: The Kitchen Table (Debating Board): Presidential powers - checks and balances
I refer you to this article by George Will, published in today's Washington Post. I know many will consider the Post a "liberal rag", but George Will is right up there with Bill Buckley when it comes to being a strongly conservative strong voice. Mr. Will argues that (a) Congress never intended to allow the President to eavesdrop freely on U.S. Citizens, and (b) this administration's interpretation of executive powers puts our Constitutional principals of checks and balances in grave danger. In recent months I have found myself nodding my head in agreement about a third to half of the time I read George Will. Which is rather scary, when you realize that I am very far left, and he is equally far right. (Or, maybe it means that people other than liberals are worried about the powers this President aggragates to himself.) Please, read the article *before* commenting.