Obama's First 100 Days Press Conference
Moms View Message Board: The Kitchen Table (Debating Board): Obama's First 100 Days Press Conference
Anyone else watch the press conference to mark the Obama Administration's First 100 Days. It was as one commentator stated a textbook example of a way to handle a press conference. One of the extraordinary aspects of the event was the sheer number of crisis that this man is having to handle in the first 100 days. It was highlighted by the breadth of the questions reporters asked. Several of these issues came into being in the last 3- 5 months of 2008. At one point he recounted them in response to a question and it took 5 minutes just to state the list: Iraq, Afghanistan, North Korea, Iran, Pakistan, terrorism as entity separate from any of these nations, housing and foreclosures, healthcare crisis, the economy including the meltdown in the American banking sector, the American car industry, massive unemployment, the recession as an entity unto itself, the global recession, Swine flu, torture issues for military prisoners, education, immigration reform and those are just the ones I remember. Loved the four part question that included what has been the most humbling, surprising, troubling, and enchanting during his first 100 days. If you missed it, some excerpts: http://www.politico.com/largevideobox.html?bcpid=14146694001&bclid=1201016315&bctid=21610062001 Watching this provided a great opportunity for our family to speak about what is going on in the nation and the world and to discuss how it afffects our family and our town as well as the larger global community Love to hear what you think.