Economic Stimulus - finally
Moms View Message Board: The Kitchen Table (Debating Board): Economic Stimulus - finally
I just saw a news report that spoke in real numbers about todays package that was signed. According to the news it will mean $8-$50 more in a weekly paycheck and for most families an additional $700 at end of year. I'm sure these numbers will change but...every little bit helps.
It also means that more money is going to be printed, which means inflation will go up. I really don't know how things are going to play out. I just really hope that this "stimulus package" does bring relief to all those who need it.
Positive action!!!!! Saw the joint meeting with Canada. Was very positive for both countries. Together represent quite an economic force working together with these packages. Evidently we're the largest trading partners in the world. Also Germany is set today to make a decision for their package. They're the largest economic force in the EU. Its encouraging seeing these younger leaders making bold choices to stimulate the worldwide economy.