Powerful American Movement for Change
Moms View Message Board: The Kitchen Table (Debating Board): Powerful American Movement for Change
Check out this movement among millions coast to coast motivated to not just talk about change but be a part of it with their families and friends. Crosses party, class and religious lines. Very motivating and encouraging. http://www.bornagainamerican.org/ My young son watched it with me and it gave us a platform to discuss what is going on now in America as well as some of the people on the video who have given in the past (e.g. POW's, military men, average working joe just making enough to get by). (it has a religious sound but it is completely secular) I found it especially moving as we talk about all the girl and boy scout stuff on this site, raising American citizens with a vision and desire to make a difference. Also the economic woes sometimes makes people feel helpless and powerless and we're not. This e-mail is flying across the country.