God is not a republican (ad)
Moms View Message Board: The Kitchen Table (Debating Board): God is not a republican (ad)
My DH showed me this ad today and I thought I would share it with you guys. We do *generally* vote Republican, but we are somewhat liberal Republicans and we abhor the whole notion that the "religious right" always shoves the Republican nominee down the throats of Christians (similar to Hollywood and Democrats ). We generally do not agree with nor respect most of the "religious right/Christian coalition" leaders. We also believe strongly in separation of church and state. So here's the ad: God is Not a Republican or a Democrat We both signed the petition.
Thank you, Pam. We share similar views. I LOVE my church and pastor, but I get really irked at election time. They get more political than I'm comfortable with, and pretty much tell the congregation how to vote. In my opinion, you CANNOT LEGISLATE RIGHTEOUSNESS. I am not ashamed to be a Bible-believing Christian, but I WILL NOT be lumped with the others in the "religious right." I will think for myself, thank you very much.
Thank you for sharing this.
Well, I don't know... Didn't God Himself appoint a King or two in the Old Testament?
Yes, and "unappointed" kings - especially when they demonstrated hubris. I've known Sojourners for many years. They are devout Christians, more on the side of non-violence than I (they are almost absolute non-violent people, like Quakers). From my reading of Scripture, and I had 11 years of Missouri Synod Lutheran schooling, it seems to me that God spoke through the prophets, most of whom were very reluctant to be prophets and were dragged kicking and screaming and objecting into that role. I don't recall any of the prophets running eagerly to speak what they said was God's will - though plenty of people who said they were speaking God's will when they weren't. One of the things that distresses me about our current President is what appears to be a belief that he is the sole, genuine, true voice for God's will, which is truly hubris, imo. (definition: Overbearing pride or presumption; arrogance: “There is no safety in unlimited technological hubris” (McGeorge Bundy). [Greek, excessive pride, wanton violence]