Animal testing
Moms View Message Board: The Kitchen Table (Debating Board): Animal testing
How do you feel about this? (thanks Ginny) I have no problem at all with testing on animals if its medically necessary but I do not buy cosmetics/shampoos that are tested on or who have ingredients that have been tested on animals. My thoughts are - medicine fine, if my child was dying and there was a potential cure but it needed to be tested on an animal first then test away, but if it is not medically necessary then I am against it.
I guess I straddle the fence. In one way I don't like testing on animals but then when compared to testing on humans I prefer on animals any day. I want to be careful not to put animals above people, but then I wouldn't advocate hurting them. I guess with all our options animals are the most logical thing to test stuff on. I don't think Zuchinni would work in all areas.