3 chuckee cheese coupons
Moms View Message Board: Free Stuff and Coupons: 3 chuckee cheese coupons
http://members.mycoupons.com/ejm99/images/june%20cec%20cpn.bmp 100 chuckee cheese tokens free with purchase next is 28 free chuckee cheese tokes http://www.chuckecheese.com/cec2002/restaurants/coupons.html I found this on another message board http://www.partywithchucke.com/images/sweeps.html and print out a coupon for 5 extra free tokens. Says one token certificate per person, I used 5 of them the other day, since I went with four kids, plus used another coupon for free tokens with pizza. They didn't hesitate letting me use them together. So you could get the 100 free tokens PLUS 5 more tokens per person.