How do you organize your kitchen?
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I feel like I have pots and pans falling out of my lower cupboards. Anything good out there to help me organize them?
when you find out let me know...I have the same problem, I am buying all new pots and pans this week so I hope to find an answer right along with you.
Well... Throw out anything you don't ever use. Give to charity. Throw out all aluminin pots if you can. Throw out all bad pots. Hide the pots you rarely use.
Ditto Feona. Get rid of anything you don't use/need. Then, put the pots and pans you use on a daily/weekly basis in your cupboards, and see how much room you have left for the others. I store a lot of my seldom used stuff (turkey roaster, bundt pans, etc., etc) in the basement.
I have mine hanging on a chair rail with hooks (up high) across one wall. They are all lined up in a row and easy to grab. Several people have noticed and said it was a great solution. A few have duplicated my idea.
Hang 'em on a hook!
I wish I had a place to hang them. I really don't want to hang them out in the open either...I'm not the best cook and I'm sure they'll have burn marks on them in no time.