Sex topic
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive March 2006:
Sex topic
Ok, I have to post ANON, because I do know people on this board. Anyways, anybody else have problems having sex in the water. In the summer we tried in the pool, but it felt like there was no lubrication. I had always thought it was romantic to have sex in a pool or hottub. Last night we tried in the hottub, again no lubrication, it just did not feel right, so we took it to the bedroom **blush**. I do not get it? Is it really that great to have sex in a pool or hottub, and we are doing something wrong?
Not my cup of tea, so I really have no idea!
You know I don't have the answer either but I'm glad you brought this up. We are using condoms. Does anyone know if you can use condoms in the hottub or pool?
Love the pool !!!! Like you I always thought this too, and finally got to find out last summer when we got a new pool. Now, the hot tub I wouldn't know as we don't have one. Give it another try.
NO condoms in the pool or hottub!!!!! It breaks them down. Anyway, as far as lube, perhaps using a little KY before going out to the water? I've never had a problem in the water, but it's worth a shot!
Hot tubs are nice for us, actually. It's weird, I'm never in the mood if my body is remotely cold. I'm an under the sheets, blanket type of gal! Maybe you can "warm up" before the hot tub? Warm water motion on the clitoris is nice too.
I've experienced the same problem in water. We learned to use the jacuzzi tub during foreplay and then move to the bedroom.
We've tried in pools and hot tubs on multiple occasions and although everything "fits" just fine, it's just not that fun. Everytime we've tried that we've ended up moving to dry land (LOL). We both agree that there's just not much feeling when you're submerged in water.
Foreplay in the water, sex on the sidelines! LOL
Ditto Stori!
Double Ditto Stori
When we were first married (pre-kids) we would get hotel rooms with hot tubs in them. They can be quite fun. I don't remember ever having a problem but they do make lubricants that work well in the water. I don't know if its ok to post links to a couple sites that have them so if you want to email me I will be happy to send you the links.
Me and my husband have only tried in a hottub and never had a problem. We actually did it many times in the same night so he must of enjoyed it as well lol!
Well, I'll risk my reputation and *not* go Anon on this my very limited experience in this particular area, I have found that having sex in water tends to *wash away* your natural lubrication which makes things ...... less pleasant, shall we say. These days, I wouldn't attempt that in a hot tub, etc., unless it was my own.
I am so glad you posted this original anon. I thought I was the only one in the world that had this same problem.