Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive March 2006:
Hey! I was wondering if you might email me at hlg mom @ hotmail .com I have some questions about petition writing and how to be effective- not sure if you can help- but your knowledge always seems boundless! Thanks so much!
Yes, tonight when I am at home. Thanks for the compliment - I will do my best to help. In the meantime, if you will email me at klipvm at rcn dot com, and give me some information, that would speed the process. What would help is (1) What is the problem you want to get fixed? (2) Why is it a problem and who does it affect? (3) What is your goal - i.e., how do you want the problem fixed, and, why is this fix better than other possible fixes (are there other possible fixes)? (4) What has been done (or not been done) so far to fix the problem, and by whom? (5) To whom is the petition being addressed?
I sent it! Thanks again!