I can breathe a sigh of relief! Wiping sweat from my brow...
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive February 2006:
I can breathe a sigh of relief! Wiping sweat from my brow...
phew!!! Finally the letter recognition, letter sounds and letters going together to make words is all *clicking* with Blake. Woohoo!!! I have been trying not to let it bother me, even though it's bothered me. In the last 2 days it is like a light bulb has switched on as far as reading and he is spelling/sounding out more and more short words. Last night I had the TIVO screen up and he read *TV*, *the* and he saw o-s at the end of the word photos and said that s-o makes 'so'. Yea!!!! On the way to school this morning he spelled DOG, DAD CAT, GO.... He was reading letters on all the signs and trying to figure out the words. In the grocery store he was searching for Z's. Yesterday he brought me some money and said 'Look this is George Washington'. Last week he was saying addition problems and answering them. And he has been making patterns out of everything. I am just SO relieved!!!! He told me he really likes school. He even wrote out all of his Valentine's by himself this month. All this in the last 3 weeks. From a child that has repeatedly asked me *why* he has to go to school, its no fun, yadda yadda! I am so glad the light went on for him. We would sit and go over his papers and his sight words and the next day it was like he had never seen them before. I was starting to worry he had a learning disability or something. Thanks for listening.
Way to go, Blake! And mommy! I have so BTDT. It's the most stressful, helpless feeling. My DS, now 7, was the same way in kindergarten. He had a really bad teacher who didn't motivate the children. It all changed in 1st grade and now in 2nd he loves school. With my DS I had him tutored 2 days a week between K and 1st grade just so he wouldn't regress. It helped just having the scheduled time and it wasn't mom telling him to do it. Plus, he was just starting to "get it" and I didn't want to miss that opportunity.
Sounds like Blake had a breakthrough - an aha moment. That is so great. I am so happy for you, and for Blake. There is nothing like having a kid suddenly see the point of learning and enjoy it.
Isn't watching our kids learn to read the most amazing thing??? I have to admit that it is my favorite thing so far to watch my kids learn. And when you've been waiting for it and worried about it, it's that much sweeter. ^5 to Blake and to you, Conni, for having patience with him. Great job!!
Way to go, Blake! Wonderful news, Conni. I think our boys are the same age. Josh is just now taking off with reading too. I got hooked on phonics and he loves it. Isn't it just amazing when it "clicks"!
Congratulations, Blake!
Yeah, Blake! ^5!
Way to go Blake! Yaa Hoo Yipeee!! Good Job! It's so cool watching them "get" something. Good for you Conni, all your hard work has paid off.
Very cool stuff!
Kudos to Blake!
YAY, that is so wonderful!
That's great Conni! Catherine had a similar breakthough with reading and math recently. I'm coming to think they simply need a bit of time for things to come together and then, when they're ready, they make a huge jump in their learning. Yea for Blake!