What goes around comes around - heartwarming story
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive February 2006:
What goes around comes around - heartwarming story
My local news station, KYW, reported this morning that a woman in a local fast food restaurant started choking, and one of the workers came out and gave her the Heimlich Maneuver, possibly saving her life. Quite coincidentally, this young man was hit in the chest with a baseball 7 years ago, knocked unconscious and not breathing, and this same woman saved his life by giving him CPR. Don't know the truth of this, but this is what KYW said. I sure hope it's true, because it is a great story.
Wow and omg! What a story. You never know when the good deed you've done willcome around
It's been on the morning news shows this morning. It is some story.