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Stray Dogs

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive January 2006: Stray Dogs
By Cat on Tuesday, January 31, 2006 - 11:42 am:

Two stray dogs have taken up residence on my front porch. Robin saw them walking around in our driveway and went out to see if they had tags. Thankfully they were nice (little bugger could have been attacked and didn't even tell me he was going out there). One had a collar, but no tags and the other didn't even have a collar. They obviously belong to someone. They're both very nice, tame and well taken care of. One does have an injury on it's foot. It looks like a V shaped cut on the top. After I looked to see if there was a contact number Robin and I just came back in the house and shut the front door, hoping they'd go home. Well, they haven't. They've been there for about 20 minutes now and look very comfortable! lol I called dh and he said to give them another 1/2 hour and then call animal services. I hate to do that, but I can't have them living on my front porch and the one does need medical care (it really doesn't look bad but could get bad quickly, I'm sure). What would you do? Robin wants to keep them. NOT! lol They're both probably about 40-50lbs and look like Border Collie mixes. One actually reminds me of Jasmine (Dawn's dog). They really are good looking dogs. We just don't need that and like I said, I'm sure they belong to someone. I wish people would take better care of their animals. At least put a tag with a phone number and name on it. *sigh*

By Crystal915 on Tuesday, January 31, 2006 - 11:55 am:

Animal Control will usually keep them for X days to give the owners an opportunity to pick them up, before putting them for adoption. If you can't identify them, it's best to let animal services come get them!! Don't beat yourself up over it, you're doing the right thing, they could get hit by a car, or the cut could get infected.

By Cat on Tuesday, January 31, 2006 - 11:59 am:

Just as I was calling animal control (phone in hand, on hold) they left. If they come back I'll call them again. Of course, we're so far out of town they'd probably leave before anyone got here unless I locked them in the back yard. Oh well.

By Cat on Tuesday, January 31, 2006 - 03:29 pm:

Ugh. They've been here off and on all day. I've tried every number I can find for animal control and can't get through to anyone except and operator and all she can do is connect me to someone else's machine! They've made themselves quite comfortable in my front yard. I'm having to keep the front door closed (we have a glass door in front of the storm door) because Lucky can't stand having them out there. Dh is going to flip when he comes home if they're still here. Robin wants to keep them, and I can remember at his age being the same way (and my parents probably would have let me! But we lived in the country on over an acre of land). Hopefully once people start coming home from work someone will miss them.

By Crystal915 on Tuesday, January 31, 2006 - 04:35 pm:

Here's hoping they get home soon!

By Dawnk777 on Tuesday, January 31, 2006 - 06:46 pm:

Awww, that's a shame they are out there loose! Jasmine was picked up as a stray herself and was only 2 weeks away from a heat cycle! She could have contributed to the "way too many" pups out there. I'm glad she got picked up and I'm really glad she's spayed now.

By Cat on Tuesday, January 31, 2006 - 06:59 pm:

They finally left around 2pm and haven't come back. Hopefully they went home. :)

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