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DD scared the heck out of me

Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive January 2006: DD scared the heck out of me
By Karen~moderator on Sunday, January 29, 2006 - 05:23 am:

Phone rings @ 3:20 in the morning......what is the first thought you have?????

Due to past experience, I KNOW this is never a good thing. LOL

I had just gone into the other bedroom to sleep because of DH's snoring, so I was pretty much awake. But there was no phone in there so I was scrambling and running to get to the phone. I KNEW it was Jen because she and her b/f had gone out last night, after visiting with us, the question was.............what happened???? Heart pounding, crazy thoughts........all in about 5 seconds.

She had a nosebleed. UGH! But she was freaking out, said she had to change the sheets and her clothes. And I thought I knew what to do for one, but I was wrong. DH was awakened by the phone too, so he went online and I had to call her back to tell her NOT to put her head back, because it could cause vomiting from swallowing the blood. DUH! That's exactly what Jen told me - that if she put her head back she would throw up.

It's been over 40 minutes since we last spoke and she has not called back as she said she would *if* it did not stop, so I'm assuming it's stopped. I don't want to call and wake her up if she's OK. One thing I can count on with Jen, if she has a problem, I'll hear about it! LOL

By Ginny~moderator on Sunday, January 29, 2006 - 09:22 am:

I do know what you mean. I look at it this way, Karen - at least I am at or near the top of the list of people my child(ren) call when there is a problem. That is a whole lot better than not being called and only learning long after the fact, as you probably already know.

By Beth on Sunday, January 29, 2006 - 09:55 am:

Hope she is okay this morning. I hate those late night calls. They always put that lump in your throat.

By Karen~moderator on Sunday, January 29, 2006 - 10:08 am:

Yea, Ginny, I am too. In fact, where I WON'T possibly hear from one or the other of them weekly (certainly not Jen though, she calls me like 10 or 12 times a day! LOL), I am guaranteed to hear from say, Jeff or Jules when there's a problem. Jason is the exception. He calls when things are going well, and when he needs help, he retreats and isolates himself. Has since he was a kid.

She DID call once RIGHT after I posted this and said *there is still some blood, and it's out of both sides*. DH and I told her to go immediately to the ER, which is 10 minutes from where she lives. She said *it's a waste of money*. No amount of talking would convince her to go. She said she *thought* what was coming out was what was stuck in her nose from pinching the soft part to close it off and it was slowing down/stopping. I told her to give it 5 minutes NOT pinching it, don't sniff or blow, and just hold a towel underneath to see how much came out, if it slowed to a stop, etc. Told her to call me in 20 minutes if it was still bleeding, and I haven't heard from her. So I guess it's stopped.

She's been really sick this week with a cold or something. She had some blood when she blew her nose a few days ago. Yesterday I gave her some Advil Cold & Sinus meds to decongest her and I'm thinking the Advil caused a bleed.

When the phone rings that late, I am immediately brought back to that night when I received a call from NOPD when she and her friend were hit broadside, hit and run, and she was injured and had been taken to Charity Hospital, and all they would tell me was she was *alive at the scene*. So since then, when the phone rings at that time, I immediately expect the worst news.

By Bobbie~moderatr on Monday, January 30, 2006 - 01:49 am:

I do that too. I think that it is normal to have some panic when the phone rings that late at night.. Hope she is all better...

By Karen~moderator on Monday, January 30, 2006 - 07:53 am:

Thanks, she's OK. She came by yesterday to do some laundry (plumbing problems where she lives), and it was OK. I had to keep reminding her not to sniff or blow because I was afraid it would start bleeding again. She told me it bled for nearly 2 hours before completely stopping. Hardheaded kid...............

By Conni on Monday, January 30, 2006 - 02:43 pm:

Oh myy that is scary!! I am glad she is better!

Is she using a cool mist humidifier by any chance? We burn wood in the winter and it is very dry heat. I have to keep a humidifier going or my dh and Brad get nose bleeds.

Just another thought... :)

By Karen~moderator on Monday, January 30, 2006 - 03:48 pm:

LOL Conni! We have been running the AC and it's been very humid here. Sorry, it's just that we don't have a *normal* winter like the rest of you guys do!

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