Dh home tonight!!
Moms View Message Board: General Discussion Archive: Archive January 2006:
Dh home tonight!!
Dh and I have been married for 18 years. For about the first 10 years of that, he worked in upper management of retail and worked some nights and traveled quite a bit. About 8 years ago now, he changed jobs and hardly travels at all anymore. Well, he has been gone since Monday and I think I am gonna go bonkers. LOL I am so tired I think I am gonna fall over. I swear I hear strange noises at night... I CAN be a heavy sleeper and I am scared to death I won't hear the alarm to get dd up for school, so I don't think I have gotten into a DEEP sleep for the last two night and believe it or not, I miss his little snoring noises!!! I can't wait to go to bed tonight so I can sleep like normal!! Anyone else have these problems when their dh is gone?? None of this ever bothered me during the first 10 years when he traveled. I guess I am just not used to it anymore. I am so glad he hardly ever leaves. LOL
Yup. Definitely.
Vicki, when dh 1st started commuting for work, I was up all the time. He has been gone during the week since Sept, and now I have the opposite problem. I have a hard time sleeping when he is home on the weekends. I am used to having the whole bed to myself.
When my DH was working in AL after hurricane Katrina, I couldn't sleep for the first week because he was gone and I was afraid - not exactly afraid at night, but anxious. I found myself listening to every little sound and freaking out over it. Then I got used to having the bed to myself, keeping the house as cold as *I* like it, watching what *I* wanted on TV and having the TV OFF when I went to sleep at night, and most importantly, not being awakend by his snoring, and when he came home, I had trouble sleeping with him IN the bed.
I guess the problem could go the other way too!! Never thought about that before and I hope I never get used to him not being there!!
Nope! When he has traveled to Des Moines in October the last 2 years, I looked forward to it, because it meant several nights of uninterrupted sleep, since his snore noises aren't "little!" I slept quite well, when he was gone. He also works second shift and comes home after I go to sleep. I'm used to going to bed and falling asleep by myself now. On the weekends, I think it's weird to go to bed together! I feel like he's encroaching on my turf. That said, though, when he's not feeling well and sleeps on the couch in the basement a lot, I do miss him and I'm glad when he's back. I keep toying with the idea of having him see the doctor about the snoring, because it often wakes me out of a sound sleep and I have to go finish sleeping somewhere else, because it's just too LOUD! I just seem to sleep better sometimes, if he's not there!
I always sleep terribly when dh is away. Thank goodness that doesn't happen very often!!